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dc.contributor.authorBertsimas, Dimitris J.
dc.contributor.authorThiele, Aurélie
dc.description.abstractWe propose a general methodology based on robust optimization to address the problem of optimally controlling a supply chain subject to stochastic demand in discrete time. The attractive features of the proposed approach are: (a) It incorporates a wide variety of phenomena, including demands that are not identically distributed over time and capacity on the echelons and links; (b) it uses very little information on the demand distributions; (c) it leads to qualititatively similar optimal policies (basestock policies) as in dynamic programming; (d) it is numerically tractable for large scale supply chain problems even in networks, where dynamic programming methods face serious dimensionality problems; (e) in preliminary computation experiments, it often outperforms dynamic programming based solutions for a wide range of parameters.en
dc.description.sponsorshipSingapore-MIT Alliance (SMA)en
dc.format.extent413796 bytes
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHigh Performance Computation for Engineered Systems (HPCES);
dc.subjectrobust optimization approachen
dc.subjectsupply chain managementen
dc.subjectstochastic demanden
dc.subjectdiscrete timeen
dc.titleA Robust Optimization Approach to Supply Chain Managementen

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