The MIT Auto-ID Laboratory is dedicated to creating the "Internet of Things" using RFID and Wireless Sensor Networks. The aim is to create a global system for tracking goods using a single numbering system called the Electronic Product Code (EPC). The Auto-ID Labs are the leading global network of academic research laboratories in the field of networked RFID, and these labs are centered within seven of the world's most renowned research universities located on four different continents. As such, the MIT Auto-ID Laboratory is well-positioned to approach the "Big Data Problem" of aggregating, analyzing, and acting upon real-time geospatial data.

The MIT Auto-ID Laboratory is part of the MIT GeoSpatial Data Center, which consists of the MIT Auto-ID Laboratory (including the MIT Geonumerics Group, et al), MIT Center for Grid Computing, and MIT Intelligent Engineering Systems Laboratory. The collection in this community is a subset of "The Big Data Problem".

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