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dc.contributor.authorKing, John G.en_US
dc.contributor.authorDylla, H. Fredericken_US
dc.contributor.authorHerzlinger, G. A.en_US
dc.contributor.authorWeaver, James C.en_US
dc.contributor.authorBogatin, E.en_US
dc.contributor.authorJost, S. R.en_US
dc.contributor.authorAbrams, Jerome H.en_US
dc.contributor.authorJarrell, Joseph A.en_US
dc.contributor.authorThomson, M. G. R.en_US
dc.descriptionContains research objectives and reports on five research projects.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipJoint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DAAB07-71-C-0300en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNational Institutes of Health (Grant 5 S05 FR07046-06)en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipPublic Health Service Research Grant 1 P01 HL14322-01 from the National Heart and Lung Institute to the Harvard-M. I. T. Program in Health Services and Technologyen_US
dc.publisherResearch Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)en_US
dc.relation.ispartofMassachusetts Institute of Technology, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Quarterly Progress Report, January 15, 1973en_US
dc.relation.ispartofGeneral Physicsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofMolecular Beamsen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronics. Quarterly Progress Report, no. 108en_US
dc.rightsCopyright (c) 2008 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved.en_US
dc.subject.otherMolecular Beamsen_US
dc.subject.otherStimulated Desorption by Low-Energy Electronsen_US
dc.subject.otherSuperfluid Helium Critical Velocity Modelen_US
dc.subject.otherDetection of Quantized Vortex Lines in Superfluid Helium at a Known Pinning Siteen_US
dc.subject.otherSurvival of Frog Skin Exposed to Vacuumen_US
dc.subject.otherDesign of an Achromatic Combined Electron Mirror and Accelerating Lensen_US
dc.titleMolecular Beamsen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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