Submicron and Nanometer Structures Technology and Research
Smith, Henry I.; Burkhardt, Martin; Carter, James M.; Chu, William; Early, Kathleen R.; Ghanbari, Reza A.; Hector, Scott D.; Ku, Yao-Ching; Moel, Alberto M.; Rittenhouse, George E.; Schattenburg, Mark L.; Wong, Vincent V.; Yen, Anthony T.; Ferrera, Juan; Mondol, Mark K.; Ng, Lee-Peng; Tsai, Flora S.; Yunus, Sabah; Antoniadis, Dimitri A.; Chung, James E.; Fang, Hao; Hu, Hang; Su, Lisa T-F.; Kastner, Marc A.; Kumar, Arvind; Orlando, Terry P.; del Alamo, Jesús A.; Eugster, Cristopher C.; Moon, Euclid E.; Shayegan, M.; Tsui, Daniel; Zhao, Yang; Chou, Michael T.; Choi, Woo-Young; Damask, Jay N.; Fonstad, Clifton G., Jr.; Haus, Hermann A.; Kolodziejski, Leslie A.; Wong, Vincent V.; Graybeal, John M.; Meyerson, Bernard S.; Olster, Daniel B.; Canizares, Claude R.; Fleming, Robert C., Jr.; Nenonen, Seppo; Bristowe, Paul D.; Carel, Roland; Floro, Jerrold A.; Thompson, Carl V.; Yee, Kenneth; Ismail, Khalid; Karam, Nasser; ... Show more Show less
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Contains reports on sixteen research projects and a list of publications.
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Research Laboratory of Electronics (RLE) at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
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Series/Report no.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronics. Progress Report, no. 134