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dc.contributor.authorTodreas, Neil E.
dc.contributor.authorHejzlar, Pavel
dc.contributor.authorFong, Chris J.
dc.contributor.authorNikiforova, Anna
dc.contributor.authorPetroski, Robert
dc.contributor.authorShwageraus, Eugene
dc.contributor.authorWhitman, Joshua
dc.contributor.otherMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Programen_US
dc.descriptionProject DE-FC07-06ID14733en_US
dc.description.abstractExecutive Summary: The goal of this project is to develop the conceptual designs of fast flexible conversion ratio reactors using lead and liquid salt coolants and to compare the results with a gascooled fast reactor developed in an MIT NERI project and a sodium-cooled reactor under development at ANL. To maintain the scope of the study manageable within the 2-year time frame and funding constraints, core designs that fit in the same reactor plant were executed for two limiting conversion ratios: (1) near zero, to transmute legacy waste and (2) near unity, to operate in a sustainable closed cycle. To reap the benefits of economy of scale, a large power rating of 2400MWt was set as the target thermal power for both reactor designs. In addition, the achievement of inherent reactor shutdown in unprotected accidents (without scram) was set as a desirable goal.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipUnited States. Dept. of Energy (Award DE-FC07-06ID14733)en_US
dc.publisherMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems. Nuclear Fuel Cycle Programen_US
dc.titleFlexible Conversion Ratio Fast Reactor Systems Evaluation Final Reporten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
dc.contributor.mitauthorTodreas, Neil E.
dc.contributor.mitauthorHejzlar, Pavel
dc.contributor.mitauthorFong, Chris J.
dc.contributor.mitauthorNikiforova, Anna
dc.contributor.mitauthorPetroski, Robert
dc.contributor.mitauthorShwageraus, Eugene
dc.contributor.mitauthorWhitman, Joshua
dspace.orderedauthorsTodreas, Neil E.; Hejzlar, Pavel; Fong, Chris J.; Nikiforova, Anna; Petroski, Robert; Shwageraus, Eugene; Whitman, Joshuaen_US

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