Now showing items 4-6 of 1296

    • Error Correction Models of MSA Housing "Supply" Elasticities: Implications for Price Recovery 

      Wheaton, William C.; Chervachidze, Serguei; nechayev, Gleb (Cambridge, MA: Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014-01-19)
      MSA-level estimates of a housing supply schedule must offer a solution to the twin problems of simultaneity and stationarity that plague the time series data for local housing prices and stock. An Error Correction Model ...
    • Managing Innovation in a Crowd 

      Acemoglu, Daron; Mostagir, Mohamed; Ozdaglar, Asuman (Cambridge, MA: Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014-01-17)
      Crowdsourcing is an emerging technology where innovation and production are sourced out to the public through an open call. At the center of crowdsourcing is a resource allocation problem: there is an abundance of workers ...
    • Equalizing Superstars: The Internet and the Democratization of Education 

      Acemoglu, Daron; Laibson, David; List, John A. (Cambridge, MA: Department of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2014-01-17)
      Educational resources distributed via the Internet are rapidly proliferating. One prominent concern associated with these potentially transformative developments is that, as many of the leading technologies of the last ...