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dc.contributor.authorIppolito, Andrea
dc.contributor.authorSrinivasan, Jayakanth
dc.description.abstractEnsuring the psychological well-being of service members and their families has emerged as one of the principal challenges of today‟s armed services. Given that the system of care of psychological health services in the United States Military cannot be divorced from the large healthcare delivery system, an enterprise perspective is needed to truly understand the dynamics of the system of care. This paper makes two key contributions: it identifies the key stakeholders of the military health enterprise with respect to psychological health, and analyzes the espoused senior leadership values over the last decade as seen in the stakeholder reports. This stakeholder analysis highlights the challenges faced in melding the constituent organizations into an enterprise, especially in the face of leadership turnover. The thematic analysis of senior leadership values shows an evolution of focus from managing execution of care to a more holistic emphasis on healthy lifestyles and psychological health.en_US
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States*
dc.subjectpsychological healthen_US
dc.subjectmilitary health enterpriseen_US
dc.subjecthealthcare delivery systemen_US
dc.titleStakeholder Approach to Better Understand Psychological Health Services in the Militaryen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US

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