This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


To use the supporting files in Eclipse, choose the folder containing the unzipped files, using File >> Import >> Existing Project into Workspace.


Project 1: An ABC music player (PDF)

An ABC subset for 6.005 (PDF)

Grammar in an EBNF (TXT)

Team contract (PDF)

(ZIP) (This ZIP file contains: 10 .abc files and 3 .java files.)

The following abc files are © Musica Viva: scale, little_night_music, paddy, invention, prelude, fur_elise. All rights reserved. This content is excluded from our Creative Commons license. For more information, see

Project 2: Instant messaging (PDF)

Project 2 amendment (PDF)

(ZIP) (This ZIP file contains: 2 .java files.)