This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 4 sessions / week, 1 hour / session

Course Objectives and Procedures

This course covers JSL (Japanese: the Spoken Language, Part 1) Lessons 12 through 17, providing opportunities to acquire basic skills for conversation, reading and writing. The program emphasizes ACTIVE command of Japanese, not passive knowledge. Your goal is not simply to study the gramm ar and vocabulary, but to improve the ability to use Japanese accurately and appropriately with fluency, building on the basic skills you gained in Japanese I and II. You will learn approximately 80 Kanji characters in this course.

FACT vs. ACT Class Sessions

In this course there are two types of class sessions, FACT and ACT. In FACT classes, information necessary for using the language, such as grammar, vocabulary, and socio-cultural information, will be provided primarily in English. You must read the textbook carefully, studying the Structural Patterns ('SPs'), the Miscellaneous Notes ('MN'), the Breakdowns (new vocabulary items), and the Core Conversations ('CCs'), as your preparation for FACT classes. Make sure that you know the metalinguistic terms used in the text as we refer to them in class.

ACT classes, which are conducted entirely in Japanese, will concentrate on speaking activities that require you to use the language. One of the things expected in ACT classes is that you ACT OUT the assigned Core Conversations ('CCs') accurately and fluently. Note that your grade for this course is largely dependent on your DAILY PERFORMANCE. Good daily performance scores can be achieved when you have learned and practiced the assigned CCs and Drills before coming to class, and demonstrate that you can use them in other contexts given in the class session. You should not rely only on reading the texts when you prepare for class; you need to use the accompanying tapes and learn the sounds, paying attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Come to class well-prepared, as the pace and the level of a particular session are influenced by your readiness.


Get back in the habit of working with the audio tapes at the beginning of the semester. Keep in mind that communication is two-way: if you want to be able to 'speak' in Japanese, you have to be able to 'listen to and understand' what others say to yo u. Don't underestimate the importance of the amount of time you use with tapes for your listening comprehension skills.

Due to time limitations, we cannot spend so much time on in-class reading/writing practice. You are expected to set aside some time outside class to practice reading and writing on your own. You should make use of the Kana-Kanji Version text and the online materials.

FACT vs. ACT Class Sessions

Japanese: the Spoken Language, Parts 1 and 2, by Eleanor H. Jorden with Mari Noda, Yale University Press, 1987.

Kana-kanji version of Japanese: the Spoken Language.


Daily Grade

One of the things you are expected to do in ACT classes is that you ACT OUT the assigned Core Conversations ('CCs'). Based on your performance of CCs and other activities involving the assigned CCs and Drills, you will be given a daily performance sco re:

10 = excellent performance; native-like fluency
9 = very good/strong performance with some minor errors
8 = fair performance with some mistakes or weakness
7 = prepared, but weak in major areas
6 = present, but evidently unprepared
0 = absent

Exams and Quizzes

There are two oral interview exams and one hourly exam. A Vocabulary Quiz is given in each FACT class, and a 20-to-25-minute Lesson Quiz is given at the end of each lesson. There are also several Kana and Kanji quizzes.

Evaluation Method

Daily grade (CC performance and drills) 35% *
Lesson quizzes 25%
Oral interviews 15%
Kana and Vocabulary quizzes 10% **
Written assignments 10%
Class participation 5%

* The four lowest daily grades will be dropped at the end of the term.
** The four lowest quiz scores will be dropped at the end of the term.

No make-up quiz or exam is given in this course.

Attendance Policy

Because of the cummulative nature of language learning, it is essential that you attend all sessions and keep up with the course work on a daily basis. Please follow the online Weekly Schedule and come to class well-prepared.

You must regularly attend the class section which you are registered in, unless you have made official arrangements with the instructors at the beginning of the semester. If you have to attend a section other than your regular section on a particu lar day, you must notify the instructors at least one day in advance either in person or by calling.

Only in case of an emergency you may be allowed to participate in class activities and quizzes in a different section without the aforementioned one-day-in-advance permission from the instructors. Oversleeping is NOT regarded as an emergency.

Other Information

You should try your best never to fall behind. Any student who feels he/she is behind is encouraged to see an instructor and discuss the situation with her before it is too late.

Students are expected to come to class in time. Coming in late not only results in missed performances and quizzes that may not be made up for, but also distracts other students.

The Humanities Concentration for Japanese is Japanese I-IV or II-IV.