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Acemoglu = Prof. Daron Acemoglu

Ozdaglar = Prof. Asu Ozdaglar

1 Acemoglu Introduction to economic, social, and communication networks  
2 Ozdaglar Graph theory and social networks  
3-4 Ozdaglar Branching processes and random graph models Problem set 1 out in Ses #4
5-7 Ozdaglar Rich get richer phenomena, power laws, and small worlds Problem set 1 due in Ses #6
    Guest lecture: Dr. danah boyd Problem set 2 out
8 Ozdaglar Epidemics and diffusion through networks  
9-11 Acemoglu Introduction to game theory Problem set 2 due in Ses #10 and Problem set 3 out in Ses #11
12 Acemoglu Applications of game theory to networks  
13-14 Acemoglu Evolution, learning, and myopia vs. rationality Problem set 3 due and problem set 4 out in Ses #14
15-16 Acemoglu Dynamic and repeated games, and cooperation and trust in networks Problem set 4 due in Ses #16
17-18 Acemoglu Network effects, innovation, tipping and contagion Final project proposal due in Ses #17
19-21 Acemoglu, Ozdaglar Games of incomplete information Problem set 5 out in Ses #20
22-23 Acemoglu, Ozdaglar Social learning in networks Problem set 5 due in Ses #22
24 Acemoglu Decisions in groups Final project due 1 week after Ses #24