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Readings Used in Fall 2001 with 5th edition of Purves, et al.

1 Introduction  
2 Biochemistry I Ch 2
3 Biochemistry II Ch 3, 41-58
4 Biochemistry III Ch 3, 41-58
5 Biochemistry IV Ch 3, 58-61; Ch 11, 247-250
6 Genetics I Ch 10, 216-226
7 Genetics II Ch 10, 226-239
8 Genetics III Ch 17, 373-378
9 Molecular Biology I Ch 11, 243-258
10 Molecular Biology II Ch 12, 260-268
11 Molecular Biology III Ch 12, 268-279; Ch 14, 316-320
12 Quiz I (lectures 1-9)  
13 Recombinant DNA I Ch 16, 351-363
14 Recombinant DNA II Ch 16, 364-371
15 Recombinant DNA III Ch 17, 379-386
16 Recombinant DNA IV Ch 17, 391-397
17 Gene Regulation Ch 13, 298-303
18 Membrane Proteins Ch 4, 80-84; Ch 12, 273-275
19 Cell Signaling Ch 38, 850-854
20 Growth and Differentiation Course Reader Article 7: Cell Growth and Differentiation
21 Quiz II (lectures 10-17)  
22 Cell Growth and Division Ch 9, 193-204
23 Cell Cycle Course Reader Article 3: Control of the Cell Cycle
24 Molecular Biology of Cancer Course Reader Article 4: Mol. Bio. of Cancer
25 Cancer Biology Course Reader Articles 5&6: How Cancer Arises and Finding the Anti-Oncogene
25 Virology and Tumor Viruses Course Reader Article 2: Viruses
26 Immunology I Ch 18, 400-411
27 Immunology II Ch 18, 411-426
28 Immunology III Course Reader Article 8: Humoral Immunology
29 Quiz III (lectures 18-27)  
30 AIDS Course Reader Article 9: AIDS and the Immune System
31 Nervous System I Ch 41, 900-915
32 Nervous System II Ch 41, 915-924
33 Nervous System III Ch 42 as it applies to lecture material
34 Topic to be announced  
35 Human Genetics and the Human Genome  
36 Human Evolution  
37 Molecular Medicine  
38 The Future