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Resources for Research on your Site

The online maps and reference materials presented in class are found on the web here. If you recall, the more useful resources for researching the history of your site will be the Sanborn and the Bromley Fire Insurance Atlases, many of which are available at Rotch Library (on paper and microfilm) and some of which are available on the web. Maps - Urban Studies

In locating historic maps of the Boston area on which to locate your site, you might find the book Mapping Boston helpful. It is by Alex Krieger and David Cobb with Amy Turner, and is available in the reference section of Rotch Library as well as the stacks. There is also a website associated with the book that contains some of the same maps: Mapping Boston

The Library of Congress has an online map collection that, again, may help provide some contextual maps on which to locate your site. Map Collections: 1500 - 2003

In addition, you probably should look up books pertaining to the history of your site. You are unlikely to find books that will contain as detailed historic information as what you're looking for. But reading such books might:

  • Give you a historical overview, and help you figure out what dates you might want to look at, and
  • Help you find some primary source historical maps that may not have been available to you through other means.

Use the MIT Libraries online catalogue system (Barton) to do searches for material on your site. Barton, MIT Libraries' Catalog