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Student Work

Web-based Portfolio Project: 20%
Cambridge Project: 20%
Lab Exercises: 50%
Attendance/Participation: 10%

The Web-based Portfolio *Portal* is due on lecture# 6.

The Web-based Portfolio *Project* and the Cambridge Project are due on lecture# 24.

On lecture# 6, we will review each portal and assign a grade of check (+), check, or check (-). In assigning this grade, we will consider the functional aspects of your site; if your portal page appears (and images and links on the first page work), you receive a check (+). If your portal page appears, but the link(s) don't function or the image(s) don't appear, you receive a check. If we are unable to launch your portal page, you receive a check (-)...and we contact you via e-mail to discuss. This grade will be added to the letter grade you receive for the project at the end of the semester. For example, if you receive a check (+) on lecture# 6, and a "B" on lecture# 24, then your grade for the portfolio project will be a "B+." We expect that you will make improvements to your Web-based Portfolio Project throughout the semester (please ask for feedback at any time), but understand that the time you have to do so is limited.

In total, the laboratory exercises (Lab 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5) account for 50% of your grade. They are weighted equally, and each is worth a total of ten points.

Finally, attendance and participation are a key ingredient. We expect to see you in class, and welcome your questions and input 24/7.

Lateness Policy

Turning in lab exercises promptly is important for keeping current with the subject matter, which is cumulative. As a result, we have adopted a lateness policy for exercises that are turned in after their due date. A late lab exercise will be accepted up until one week after the original due date for a loss of one grade (e.g. An "A" becomes a "B" or a “check” becomes a “check minus”). After one week, we will not accept an exercise, and you will receive a zero. Students who would like to request an extension for a particular exercise must contact Professor Hoyt before the assignment is due.

Learning from Others

Below is a list of names. Each represents a student who is currently enrolled in 11.204, and provides a link to their planning portfolio portal. By exploring these links, you will not only learn more about your fellow classmates, but will also benefit from observing their work and how it evolves over the semester.

William Bradshaw 
Claudia Canepa 
Ian Finlayson 
Whitney Foutz 
Rajendra Kumar 
Jodie Misiak
Susanne Seitinger 
Melody Tulier 
Georgeta Vidican  
Annis Whitlow 
Susana Williams