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Assigned Readings

Readings marked (S) are supplementary and are not required.

2 Gray, G.E., and Hoel, L. A., (ed.). Public Transportation. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992. Chapter 4.
3 (S) Pushkarev, B. S., and J. M. Zupan. "Transit Supply: Operating and Capital Costs." Chapter 3 in Public Transportation and Land Use Policy.
4 - 5 Bus Route Evaluation Standards, Transit Cooperative Research Program, Synthesis 10. Washington, D.C.: Benn, H. P. and Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc., 1995.

Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, Service Delivery Policy. September, 1996.

Wilson, N. H. M., D. Nelson, A. Palmere, T. Grayson, and C. Cederquist. "Service Quality Monitoring for High-Frequency Transit Lines." Transportation Research Record 1349 (1992): 3-11.

Dawson, W. R. "Optimizing Transit Service Decisions Based on Ridership--Good for Passengers and the Community." Paper presented at UITP Congress, Toronto, May 1999.
6 - 9 Furth, P. G., J. Attanucci, I. Burns, and N. H. M. Wilson. "Transit Data Collection Design Manual." U.S. DOT Report DOT-I-85-38 (1985): 1-121.

Furth, P. G. "Comparison of Eight Sampling Strategies to Estimate Sus System Passenger-Miles." Submitted to Journal of Transportation Statistics (2003).

Muller, Th. H. J., and P. G. Furth. "Trip Time Analyzers: Key to Transit Service Quality." Transportation Research Record 1760 (2001): 10-19.

Data Analysis for Surface Transit, Synthesis of Transit Practice 34. Transit Cooperative Research Program. 1999.
10 - 11

"Toronto Transit Commission, Service Standards Process, Technical Background, Ridership Forecasting Methods." Paper Number 1, January, 1991.

Mayworm, P., A. M. Lago, and J. M. McEnroe. "Patronage Impacts of Changes in Transit Fares and Services." Executive Summary, U.S. DOT, UMTA, RR 135-1 (September 1980): 7-18.

Stopher, P. R., and S. M. Mulhall. "Route Level Patronage Forecasting Methods--A Survey of Transit Operators." July 1991. Paper prepared for submission to TRB 71st Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., January, 1992.

Peng, Z., K. J. Dueker, J. Strathman, and J. Hopper. "A Simultaneous Route-level Transit Patronage Model: Demand, Supply, and Inter-route Relationship." Transportation 24: 2 (May 1997): 159-181.

(S) Stopher, P. R. "Development of a Route Level Patronage Forecasting Method." Louisiana Transportation Research Center.

12 - 13 Herzenberg, A. "Methods of Estimating the Costs of Drivers' Wages for Bus Service." Transportation Research Record 947 (1983): 7-14.

(S) Estimating Incremental Costs of Bus Route Service Changes: NCTRP Report 16, 1988.
14 - 15 Chapman, R. A., and J. F. Michel. "Modeling the Tendency of Buses to Form Pairs." Transportation Science 12, no. 2 (1978): 165-175.

Wilson, N. H. M., and T. Lin. "Dwell-Time Relationships for Light Rail Systems." Transportation Research Record #1361 (1993): 296-304.

Furth, P. G., and A. B. Rahbee. "Optimal Bus Stop Spacing Using Dynamic Programming and Geographic Modeling." Transportation Research Record 1731 (2000): 15-22.

(S) Joliffe, J. K., and T. D. Hutchinson. "A Behavioural Explanation of the Associations Between Bus and Passenger Arrivals at a Bus Stop." Transportation Science 9, no. 3: 248-281.
16 - 18 Salzborn, F. J. M. "Optimum Bus Scheduling." Transportation Science 6 (1972): 137-148.

Furth, P. G., and N. Wilson. "Setting Frequencies on Bus Routes: Theory and Practice." Transportation Research Record 818 (1981): 1-7.

(S) Odoni, A. R., J. M. Rousseau, and N. H. M. Wilson. "Models in Urban and Air Transportation." (Urban section only) in Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science Series. Volume on Operations Research and the Public Sector. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1994, pp. 107-150.

(S) Ceder, A. "Public Transport Scheduling." In Handbooks in Transport. Handbook 3: Transport Systems and Traffic Control. Edited by D. Hensher and K. Button. Pergamon Imprint, Elsevier Science Ltd. Pub., 2001, pp. 539-558.

(S) Ceder, A. "Public Transport Timetabling and Vehicle Scheduling." Chapter 2 in Advanced Modeling for Transit Operations and Service Planning. Edited by W. Lam and M. Bell. Pergamon Imprint, Elsevier Science Ltd. Pub., 2003, pp. 31-57.
19 - 20 Koffman, J., and Rousseau. "Scheduling Under Relaxed Constraints." Proceedings of Operations and Service Planning Symposium. Washington, D.C., 1993.

Blais, J., J. Lamont, and J. Rousseau. "The HASTUS Vehicle and Manpower Scheduling System at the Société de Transport de la Communaute Urbaine de Montréal." Interfaces 20: 1 (January-February 1990): 26-42.
21 - 23 Ceder, A., and N. H. M. Wilson. "Bus Network Design." Transportation Research (Part B) 20B, no. 4 (1986): 331-344.

Furth, P. G., B. Day, and J. Attanucci. "Operating Strategies for Major Radial Bus Routes." U.S. DOT Report DOT-I-84-27.

Canadian Transit Handbook. Chapter 6.

(S) Becker, J., and J. Bakker. "The Design of Timed Transfer Networks." Proceedings of Operations and Service Planning Symposium. Washington, D.C. 1993.
24 - 26 "Transit Reliability Workshop: The Transit Service Reliability Problem and Potential Solutions." Technical Report UMTA-NY-06-0097-83-01 (1983).

Wilson, N. H. M., R. A. Macchi, R. E. Fellows, and A. A. Deckoff. "Improving Service on the MBTA Green Line Through Better Operations Control." Transportation Research Record 1361 (1992): 296-304.

Furth, Peter. G., and Theo H. J. Muller. "Conditional Bus Priority at Signalized Intersections: Better Service Quality with Less Traffic Disruption." Transportation Research Record 1731 (2000): 23-20.

Relevant Books 

Gray, G. E., and L. A. Hoel (ed.). Public Transportation. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1992.

Canadian Transit Handbook. 3rd ed. Canadian Urban Transit Association, 1993.

Vuchic, V. R. Urban Public Transportation Systems and Technology. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1981.