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Lectures are scheduled two days a week, each of one and a half hour duration. The lectures and the text are intended to complement one another. Lectures also serve to connect facts from one part of the course with material in other parts.

1 In the Beginning
2 This is Your Brain
3 Making Your Brain Happy
4 Learning to Make Your Brain Happy
5 So, Why isn't Everyone Happy?
6 What Do You See?
7 What Do You Perceive?
8 What Do You Remember?
9 What Do You Say?
10 Talking like a Baby
11 Thinking like a Baby
12 IQ and its Consequences
13 The Battle of the Sexes: Love and Evolution
14 Social Exchange: Romantic Economics
15 The Control of Desire: Sexual Politics
16 Social Pressure
17 The Self and its Disorders
18 The Self, Part 2
19 Why Learn about Freud?
20 Moral Development
21 Freud and Fairy Tales
22 Sleep and Dreams
23 What is Mental Illness?
24 Brain and Mind in Mental Illness
25 How Should We Treat Mental Illness?