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1 Introduction & Case Studies
2 Potentials, Supercells, Relaxation, Methodology
3 Lab 1: Energetics and Structure from Empirical Potentials 
SMA/Cambridge students off-line (no beaming)
4 Potentials 2: Potentials for Different Materials Classes, Atom Methods 
Beaming to start half-hour early with SMA students, and to finish half hour late with Cambridge students, for lab questions.
5 First Principles Energy Methods: Hartree Fock
6 First Principles Energy Methods: Density Functional Theory
7 Technical Aspects of Density Functional Theory
8 Lab 2: Density Functional Theory I 
SMA/Cambridge students off-line (no beaming)
9 Case Studies of DFT. Properties and Accuracy
Beaming to start half-hour early with SMA students, and to finish half hour late with Cambridge students, for lab questions.
10 Advanced DFT, New Developments and Alternative Algorithms, Car-Parrinello
11 Finite Temperature: Review of Stat Mech and Thermodynamics 
Excitations in materials and how to sample them
12 Molecular Dynamics I
Beaming to start half-hour early with SMA students, and to finish half hour late with Cambridge students, for lab questions.
13 Lab 3: Density Functional Theory II 
SMA/Cambridge students off-line (no beaming)
14 Molecular Dynamics II
15 Molecular Dynamics III
16 Lab 4: Molecular Dynamics
SMA/Cambridge students off-line (no beaming)
17 Monte Carlo Simulations: Application to lattice models, sampling errors, metastability
Beaming to start half-hour early with SMA students, and to finish half hour late with Cambridge students, for lab questions.
18 Coarse Graining: Alloy Theory
19 Alloy Theory II, Free Energy Integration: Show different ways of integration (lambda, temperature, field, particle, potentials)
20 Lab 5: Monte Carlo
21 Modeling in Industry (Chris Wolverton from Ford Motor Company)
Beaming to start half-hour early with SMA students, and to finish half hour late with Cambridge students, for lab questions.
22 Data Mining in Materials Science and Engineering I
Reverse beaming from Singapore
23 Lab 5: Monte Carlo
24 Data Mining in Materials Science and Engineering II
Reverse beaming from Singapore
25 Case Studies I
26 Case Studies II