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Lecture Notes

Click on the link for each individual week below to see the overview and the assignments for that week, including readings to be completed before the Monday and Thursday classes.

 1  CDA and ISP Liability Introduction to Internet Law and Policy Issues
Slides from Class (PDF)
 2  Digital Music, Napster, P2P Background in Intellectual Property Law
Slides from class (PDF)
 3  Trusted systems, Anti-Circumvention, and DeCSS Digital Millennium Copyright Act
 4  Broadcasting, Webcasting, and Copyright Software Patent and Copyright Law
Slides from Class (PDF)
 5  Commercial and Government Surveillance -- I Open Source and Free Software
 6  Commercial and Government Surveillance -- II Background in First Amendment Law
Slides from Class (PDF)
 7  Harmful Speech Background in Fourth Amendment Law
 8  Internet Jurisdiction Midterm in Class (PDF)
 9  Private Sheriffs - MAPS, Marsh, Intel v. Hamidi Communications Decency Act, Reno v. ACLU
 10  No Class Cybersecurity
 11  The Microsoft Case The Cryptography Debate
Slides from Class (PDF)
 12  Bringing It All Together Recent Anti-Terrorism Legislation
 13  Class Presentations Class Presentations
 14  Class Presentations Last Class
Class Presentations