As you know (from the syllabus), the problem sets will count for 20% of the grade. There will be about 8 of them, maybe less (one per 1-1.5 week, more or less, except when a test is due).
A) Collaboration: It is ok to exchange information with other students, in the sense of hints, general ideas, pitfalls to avoid and so on; i.e.: "within reason" - "let me see/copy" your answer is not within reason). But, the final answer must be written 100% alone, with understanding of every dot that goes in there.
The collaboration policy above applies only to problem sets. For take-home Exams (if any), the policy is 100% alone, the only allowed consultations being with the Lecturer and TA.
You are 100% responsible for any answer you supply, in either problem sets or exams, and I can call you any time to explain your answer. If I am not convinced that you understand what you wrote, you will loose credit, up to and including loosing credit for the whole problem set (or exam) - this depending on the degree of lack of understanding.
B) The TA will grade 5 problems in each set (from the assigned problems - selected randomly), but answers will be provided for all. Please, do all the problems, since if you just happen to miss the ones picked, you will get no credit (even if you did all the others). Also: it's he only way to "really" learn.
The reason for this policy is to avoid in-a-hurry type of grading by the TA. I expect that by looking at just a few problems, the TA will be able to do a bang-up job with the grading.
C) Answers to all the problems will be provided - hopefully: very shortly - after each set is due.
D) The "suggested reading", "suggested problems" and any other "suggested" are for you alone to do or not do. Thus: do not hand in these problems! I recommend that you do as much as possible of this.
E) About Computer Assignments (if any):
a) Use any language or computer you like. I recommend the use of software like MacMath or Phaser if you have a home computer; it'll simplify your life. Better yet: get the Student Edition of MatLab®, and port the Course Software there.
MatLab® or Mathematica are easier to use and more flexible. You can also use C, FORTRAN or whatever works for you.
b) Include a brief explanation of how the problem was solved (a printout of a program is really not enough!). What is the Idea!?
c) Results must be condensed to some comprehensible and concise form:
Use plots, tables or graphs. Do not show "raw" numerical output.
Make sure one does not have to hunt for the answers all over the place. They must be easy to find and identify. Put them at the beginning, for example, and then justify them.
d) Include a printout of your program appended (at the end) - if there is one. If you used MacMath, Phaser or something like that, just say that and spell the numerical parameters and other such data used - these things usually give you a choice of time step, numerical method, etc. Do not trust the defaults!
e) Look at your output and make very sure it makes sense! That a program "runs" does not mean it does so as intended. For example, if you are using too large a time step, you will still get some output ... which can easily be nonsense!
Problem Set #1 (
Problem Set #2 (
Problem Set #3 (
Problem Set #4 (
Problem Set #5 (
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