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1 Class Policies and Procedures

Historical Background of Fencing

Video Presentation

Demonstration of Electronic Microprocessor Scoring System
2 Warm-up, Stretching

Simple Elements of Footwork: En Garde Position, Advance, Retreat, Lunge

Footwork Drills
3 Warm-up, Stretching (cont.)

Review of Simple Elements of Footwork

Compound Elements of Footwork: Advance Lunge, Jump Lunge

Footwork Drills with Foils
4 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear

Review of Safety Issues

Group Footwork

Introduction to Basic Bladework: Grip, Simple Thrust, Description of Target Area

Definition of an Attack and Explanation of the Convention of Right-of-way

Fencing Salute
5 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear

Application of Bladework: Parry 4, Riposte

Explanation of Categories of Fencing Actions: Offensive, Defensive, Offensive-Defensive
6 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear (cont.)

Application of Bladework: Beat 4 with Variety of Footwork (Lunge, Jump Lunge)
7 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear (cont.)


Second Intentions

8 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear (cont.)

Application of Bladework: Parry 6, Parry 2
9 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear (cont.)

Review of Compound Attacks: Advance Lunge, Jump Lunge

Demonstration of a Fencing Bout

Introduction to Officiating

Begin Bouting (3-touch)
10 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear (cont.)

Review of Officiating

Blade Warm-up

Bouting (3-touch), with Officiating
11 Warm-up, Stretching, Suiting up with Protective Gear (cont.)

Bouting (3-touch), with Officiating (cont.)
12 Individual Competition Using Scoresheets

Course Summary