2.853 Manufacturing Systems I: Analytical Methods and Flow Models

Fall 2002

Photo of factory workers, part of a manufacturing system.
People are also one of the resources that can make up a manufacturing system. (Photo courtesy of U.S. National Institutes of Health.)

Course Highlights

This course includes homework assignments and a variety of lecture notes and materials.

Course Description

Provides ways to conceptualize and analyze manufacturing systems and supply chains in terms of material flow, information flow, capacities, and flow times. Fundamental building blocks: inventory and queuing models, forecasting and uncertainty, optimization, process analysis, linear systems and system dynamics. Factory planning: flow planning, bottleneck characterization, buffer and batch-size tactics, seasonal planning, dynamics and learning for various process flow topologies and for various market contexts.

Technical Requirements

Microsoft® Excel software is recommended for viewing the .xls files found on this course site. Free  Microsoft® Excel viewer software can also be used to view the .xls files.

Microsoft® is a registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.

*Some translations represent previous versions of courses.

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Dr. Stanley Gershwin
Prof. Larry Wein

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
1.5 hours / session


