Lecture Notes

Lecture materials are provided whenever possible.  Not all lecture notes are available. Microsoft® Excel software is recommended for viewing the .xls files in this section. Free Microsoft® Excel viewer software can also be used to view the .xls files.

1 Lecture 1
2 Lecture 2
3 Random Variables (PDF)
Random Variables Additional File (PDF)
4 Continuous Random Variables (PDF)
Continuous Random Variables Additional File (PDF)
5 Stochastic Processes (PDF)
6 Queueing Networks (PDF)
7 Simulation Lecture Notes and The Gentle Lentil Case
8 Forecasting (PDF)
9 Regression Analysis (PDF)
10 Regression (XLS)
11 Inventory Theory (PDF)
12 Base Stock Policy (PDF)
13 Linear Optimization I (PDF)
14 Short Term Manufacturing Problems At Digital Equipment Corporation
15 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Overview (PDF)
16 and 17 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Single-Part-Type, Multiple Stage Systems (PDF - 1.8 MB)
18 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Single-Stage, Multiple Part Type, MTS (PDF - 1.2 MB)
19 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Material Requirements Planning (PDF - 1 MB)
20 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Toyota Production System (PDF - 1.2 MB)
21 and 22 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Multi-Stage Control and Scheduling (PDF - 1.5 MB)
23 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Discussion of Goldratt's The Goal (PDF)
24 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Current Research (PDF - 1.4 MB)
25 Factory Planning and Scheduling: Discrete Event Simulation of Manufacturing Systems (PDF)

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