
Bibliography of Course Readings
1 Introduction to the Course
2 Introduction to the Russian Empire Hosking, Geoffrey. Maps. In Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. viii-xv, 3-27, and 33-41.

Cracraft, James, ed. "The Environment and Its Consequences," by Pipes and "Multi-Ethnic Empire," by Kappeler. In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 4-21 and 398-403.
3 The Muscovite Heritage Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 45-74.

Hellie. "Enserfment," and "The Ulozhenie of 1649." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Edited by James Cracraft. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 57, 58-59 (top) and 60-67.
4 Peter the Great and the Petrine Reforms Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 75-94 [note chronology, pp. 487-88].

Cracraft, James, ed. "Anisimov," "Petrine Reforms," and "Shafirov Justifies the Empire (1717)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 82-99, 110-25 and 245-48.
5 The Age of Catherine II Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 95-119.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Catherine as Woman and Ruler," by de Madariaga, "Pugachev's Rebellion," by Raeff and "Annexation of Crimea." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 166-97 and 249-51.
6 The Eighteenth-century Nobility Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 153-71.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Peter III's Manifesto (1762)," "Shcherbatov (1787)," "Catherine's Instruction (1767)," "Charter to the Nobility, 1785," and "Radishchev." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 150-65, 197-205 and 212-20 (optional pp. 205-12).

Freeze, Gregory. "Instruction from the Nobility of Moscow to the Legislative Commission," (pp. 16-22) and "Pugachev." (pp. 84-86). In From Supplication to Revolution.
7 Bureaucratic Monarchy Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 120-49.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Constitutionalism of AI," by Raeff (pp. 256-91), "Nicholas I," by Riasanovsky and "Karamzin (1811)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994.

Edict Creating the Third Section. Lincoln, W. Bruce. "Enlightened Bureaucracy." In Reinterpreting Russian History. Edited by Kaiser and Marker, pp. 257-62.
8 The Decembrists Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 171-82.

Mazour, Anatole. The First Russian Revolution. Pp. 64-85, 203-221, 261-86.

Wortman, Richard. Scenarios of Power: Myth and Ceremony in Russian Monarchy. Vol. 1, pp. 264-79.
9 The Institution of Serfdom Kolchin, Peter. Unfree Labor. Pp. 41-65 (bottom), 68-78, 98-102, 117-120, 157-63, 165-67 and 169-72 (top).

Serf documents in Kaiser and Marker. Pp. 292-96 and 297-303.
10 Nobility in Literature Gibian, George, ed. "A Double Life," (1848) by Pavlova and "Oblomov's Dream," (1857) by Goncharov. In The Portable Nineteenth-Century Russian Reader. Viking Penguin, 1993, pp. 282-91 and 293-333.
11 Serfdom in Literature Afanasyev, Aleksandr. "Ivan the Simpleton," and "Shemiaka the Judge." In Russian Fairy Tales. Pp. 142-45 and 625-27.

Gibian, George, ed. "Kurolesov," (1856) by Sergei Aksakov and "The Story of How One Peasant," (1869) by Saltykov-Shchedrin. In The Portable Nineteenth-Century Russian Reader. Viking Penguin, 1993, pp. 241-73 and 608-15.
12 Alexander II and the Great Reforms Eklof, Ben, et. al., eds. "Autocracy and the Reforms of 1861-1874," by Larissa Zakharova and "The Year of Jubilee," by Daniel Field. In Russia's Great Reforms. Pp. 19-57.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Toward the Rule of Law," by Wortman and "Manifesto Emancipating the Serfs (1861)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 316-27 and 340-44.

Discussion in Kaiser and Marker, pp. 430-35.
13 The Radicalization of the Intelligentsia Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 263-85 and 345-66.

"The Catechism of a Revolutionary," and "Demands of Narodnaia Volia." In Imperial Russia. Edited by Dmytryshyn, pp. 350-63.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Figner (1881)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 383-88.
14 Village Life after the Great Reforms Cracraft, James, ed. "Hidden Russia (1851)," by Herzen and "Mackenzie Wallace (1877)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 329-40 and 344-58.

Frank, Stephen P. "Popular Justice, Community and Culture Among the Russian Peasantry, 1870-1900."

Chekhov. "The Peasants."
15 Reaction and Counter-revolution Cracraft, James, ed. "Towards the Police State," by Pipes, "The Failure of Reform," by Pearson, "Manifesto of Alexander III (1881)," and "Reflections (1896)," by Pobedonostsev. In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 360-83 and 388-97.

"Pobedonostsev's Criticisms of Modern Society." In Imperial Russia. Edited by Dmytryshyn, pp. 382-399.
16 Empire-Building Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 367-97.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Gorchakov Circular (1864)," and "Urusov on Russian Antisemitism (1907)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 410-11 and 420-37.
17 War and Peace in the Caucasus Tolstoy, Leo. Hadji Murad. 1904, p. 125.
18 Late Imperial Russia Cracraft, James, ed. "The Government's Role," by Kahan, "Nobility in Crisis," by Hamburg, "Fragmented Middle Ranks," by Rieber and "Life Among the High Nobility," by Ignatieff. In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 441-53, 490-504 and 520-58.
19 Workers' Lives Cracraft, James, ed. "The Labor Force," by Bonnell, "Life in a Textile Mill (1890s)," by Pavlov and "Radical Worker (1879-1896)," by Kanatchikov. In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 454-68, 479-89 and 528-48.

Gorky. "Twenty-Six Men (1899)." In The Portable Nineteenth-Century Russian Reader. Edited by George Gibian. Viking Penguin, 1993, pp. 616-29.
20 The Revolutions of 1905 Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 398-423.

Cracraft, James, ed. "The Tsar's October Manifesto (1905)," "Father Gapon (1905)," and "Lenin (1905)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 593-95, 596-602, 595-96 and 600-604.

Freeze. From Supplication to Revolution, pp. 197-206, 239-40, 245-49, 258-63 (top), 264-65, 268-71, 274-77, 278-80, 290-92 and 302-3.
21 The Constitutional Monarchy Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 424-49.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Stolypin," by Schapiro and "Guchkov (1913)." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 613-18 and 633-43.

Dissolution of the Second Duma, June 3, 1907.

Dmytryshyn. "Rasputin." In Imperial Russia, pp. 479-90.
22 World War I Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 449-52.

Cracraft, James, ed. "Last Act," by Rogger. In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 619-33.

"Durnovo's Memorandum," and documents on Russia in WWII in Imperial Russia. Edited by Dmytryshyn, pp. 491-521.

Web link on World War I
23 The End of an Era Dune, Eduard. Notes of a Red Guard. Part I. Edited by Diane Koenker, and S. A. Smith. Univ. of Illinois Press, 1993.
24 The Revolutions of 1917 Hosking, Geoffrey. Russia: People and Empire. Harvard UP, 1997, pp. 453-81.

Cracraft, James, ed. "de Basily on Nicholas II's abdication." In Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia. Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1994, pp. 643-60.

Dmytryshyn. "Abdication of Nicholas II and Grand Duke Michael." Pp. 524-25.
25 Memoirs Fitzpatrick, Sheila, and Yuri Slezkine, eds. In the Shadow of Revolution: Life Stories of Russian Women from 1917 to the Second World War. Pp. 33-65, 82-88.
26 Review