
Student Presentations
Each student will present two papers to the class during the semester. The readings listed on the readings page provide topics and background information for the presentations.

In preparation for their presentations, students must have read additional background articles on their selected topics, beyond the required readings. Everyone in the class is urged to do the background readings in order to facilitate group discussion.

Student Presentation Topics

Potassium Channels
Ion Channels
Neuronal Receptors
Neural Induction
Neurogenesis and Migration
Neuronal Cell Biology, Subcellular Specialization
Protein Targeting, Signaling Complexes
Neuronal Determination and Differentiation
Axon Guidance I: Growth Cone Motility; Cues and Receptors
Axon Guidance II: Cytoplasmic Signaling Pathways; Axon Target Recognition
Cell Death and Survival I: Neurotrophic Hypothesis, Survival Factors/Receptors
Cell Death and Survival II: Cell Death Pathways, Developmental Uses and Pathological Aspects
Synaptic Transmission I (Presynaptic Mechanisms)
Synaptic Transmission II (Postsynaptic Mechanisms)
Model Systems for Plasticity Studies: Pre- and Post-synaptic Mechanisms
Plasticity at the Neuromuscular Junction
Bird song: Plasticity at the Behavioral and Circuit Level
Multimodal Maps and Use-dependent Expansions of Sensitivity
Plasticity in Non-cortical Visual Areas
Visual Cortex Plasticity: History and Controversies
Molecular Mechanisms of Cortical Plasticity
Plasticity and GABA Mediated Inhibition