This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


1 Introduction: Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey."
2 Carroll. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Writing assignment, 1 page, due in class: Write a 1-page descriptive summary of your favorite character in Alice.
3 Genesis.

Aristotle. Selections from the Physics.

Writing assignment, 1 page, due in class: Summarize, using examples from contemporary times, Aristotle's 4 factors or causes.
4 Voltaire. Candide. Writing assignment, 1 page, due in class: Write a summary of the philosophy of Pangloss, Martin, or the Eldoradians.
5 Hume. Dialogues. (Parts 1-5) Writing assignment, 1 page, due in class: Write a summary of Cleanthes' great machine of the universe in Part 2 or Philo's example of the shipbuilder in Part 5.
6 Hume. Dialogues. (Parts 7, 10-11)
7 Paley. Natural Theology. Selections (Handout). Essay #1 due. (5-pages)
8 Adam Smith. Wealth of Nations.
9 Malthus. An Essay on the Principle of Population.
10 Malthus. Principles of Population. Essay #2 due. (5-pages)
11 Darwin. On the Origin of Species.
12 Darwin. Origin...(Continued) Essay #2 returned. 
13 Darwin. Origin...(Continued)

Descent of Man...(Selections)

14 Butler. Erewhon. Revised Essay #2 due.
15 Butler. Erewhon. (Continued)
16 Butler. Erewhon. (Continued)
17 Stevenson. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
18 Huxley. Evolution and Ethics. Essay #3 due.
19 Hardy. Tess of the D'Ubervilles.
20 Hardy. Tess... (Continued)
21 Hardy. Tess... (Continued)
22 H. G. Wells. The Time Machine. Essay #4 due. (5 pages)
23 Turing, Searle, Dennett. Essays on computers. Essay #4 returned.
24 Turing, et al., (Continued)
25 Wiener. God and Golem, Inc. (Selections) Revised Essay #4 due.