This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


There are a number of different kinds of assignments in this course, which are abbreviated in the calendar. Each type of assignment is described in detail in the assignments section.

Unit One: Comparing Two Images
1 How to Read an Image P1.1 - describing an image due two day after Ses #1
2 Discussion of Essay One Assignment

In-class: Critique of 5-para Essay

Workshop P1.1
3 Group Debate About M vs. M

Conference One Signup
P1.2 - exercise on Manovich and Mitchell due

D.E1 - draft essay one due two days after Ses #3
4 Conferences  
5 Workshop Full Draft of D.E1

Unit Two: The Ethics of New Media
6 Internet Ethics R.E1 - revision essay one due
7 Group Speed Essay Writing P2.1 due
8 Exercise Spot the Plagiarism P2.2 due
9 Workshop P2.2 D.E2 - copy to me and two peers due six days after Ses #9
10 Peer Editing of D.E2 R.E1 due

D.E2 - short description of plans to revise due one day after Ses #10
Unit Three: The Culture of the Computer
11 Workshop D.E2

Workshop Paragraphs of D.E2
12 Present S1

Speech on E2
R.E2 due
13 Present S1

Speech on E2 (cont.)
14 Kim Cascone P3.1 due
15 In-Class: Read Asimov

Read Benjamin
P3.2 due
16 Workshop P3.2 P3.3 due one day after Ses #16
Unit Four: Films and Games
17 Read Hansen

Workshop P3.3
R.E2 due

D.E3 - due one day after Ses #17
18 Conferences

Exercise Peer Critique of Drafts

Workshop D.E3
19 Conferences  
20 Read Computer Game Articles

Film Minority Report will be shown one day after this session
R.E3 due
21 Discuss How to Read a Film

P4.1 - due two days after Ses #21

22 Workshop P4.1 R.E3 due
23 Course Evaluations E4 - game or film review due
24 Concluding Activities