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Mid-term Exam Preparation


  • 2 hours
  • Open book
    • But don't just print all the slides
  • Types of questions
    • Emphasis on testing concepts
    • Draw a diagram to explain X
    • Very simple calculations
    • Comparisons
    • Open ended questions (essay)
    • Homework insights
  • Preparation
    • Read all the slides
    • Read related papers: look at 'contributions', 'limitations', 'future work' and 'conclusions' sections carefully


  • Modern optics and lenses, ray-matrix operations, lightfields
  • Fourier optics, wavefront coding
  • Digital illumination, multiflash and hadamard coded
  • Emerging sensors: 3D range sensor
  • Beyond visible spectrum: multispectral imaging and thermal sensors, sonar imaging
  • Image reconstruction techniques, deconvolution, deblurring, tomography, heterodyned photography, compressive sensing
  • Cameras for Human Computer Interaction (HCI): 0-D and 1-D sensors, spatio-temporal coding, frustrated TIR
  • Useful techniques in scientific and medical imaging: CT-scans, astronomy and long range imaging