Week One |
1 | Introduction: Reason in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance | |
2 | Demography, Geography, Agriculture, Global Trade, 1600-1850 | |
Week Two |
3 | Galileo and the Roman Catholic Church | |
4 | The Cartesian Method | |
Week Three |
5 | The Trial of Charles I, King of England (1649) | |
6 | Louis XIV and the Court at Versailles | First paper due |
Week Four |
7 | Writing Workshop | |
Week Five |
8 | The Radical Enlightenment | |
9 | The Newtonian Moment | Rewrite of first paper due |
Week Six |
10 | The Encyclopedia of Diderot and d'Alembert | |
12 | Cosmopolitanism and the Jews in the Eighteenth Century | |
Week Seven |
13 | France in the Age of Democratic Revolution | Second paper due |
14 | Revolution in France | |
Week Eight |
15 | The Trial of Louis XVI | |
Week Nine |
16 | After The King's Trial: Terror, Napoleon, Restoration | |
17 | Conservatism Created: A Response to Reason and Revolution | |
Week Ten |
18 | Hegel: History, Reason, and the State | |
19 | Romanticism in Literature, Art, and Music | |
Week Eleven |
20 | The Industrial Revolution and the Movement to Abolish Slavery | Third paper due |
Week Twelve |
21 | A Cultural Interpretation of Industrialization | |
22 | Nineteenth-Century Liberalism | |
Week Thirteen |
23 | Utopian Socialist Experiments | |
24 | The Revolutions of 1848 and The Communist Manifesto
| |
Week Fourteen |
25 | Darwin and Christian Theology (or, Galileo Revisited) | |
26 | Conclusion | Fourth paper due |