This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session

Syllabus Archive

The following syllabi come from a variety of different terms. They illustrate the evolution of this course over time, and are intended to provide alternate views into the instruction of this course.

Spring 2011, Harriet Ritvo (PDF)

Fall 2008, Harriet Ritvo (PDF)

Spring 2008, Harriet Ritvo (PDF)

Spring 2006, Harriet Ritvo (PDF)

Spring 2005, Harriet Ritvo (PDF)

Spring 2004, Harriet Ritvo (PDF)

Subject Description

A historical overview of the interactions between people and their environments. Focusing primarily on the experience of Europeans in the period after Columbus, the subject explores the influence of nature (climate, topography, plants, animals, and microorganisms) on human history and the reciprocal influence of people on nature. Topics include the biological consequences of the European encounter with the Americas, the environmental impact of technology, and the roots of the current environmental crisis.

CI Credo

Communication intensive subjects in the humanities, arts, and social sciences should require at least 20 pages of writing divided among 3-5 assignments. Of these 3-5 assignments, at least one should be revised and resubmitted. HASS CI subjects should further offer students substantial opportunity for oral expression, through presentations, student-led discussion, or class participation.

Written Assignments

There will be three papers, of at least 5, 5, and 10 pages, due in class on Session 5, Session 11, and Session 25 respectively. Specific assignment sheets will be handed out later in the term. The last assignment will also include an oral presentation. Either assignment 1 or assignment 2 (your choice) must be revised and resubmitted for a new grade. If you like, you can revise and resubmit both assignment 1 and assignment 2. In addition, a single sheet of informal reflections on each reading will be due in class on the day it is scheduled for discussion (normally the second class of each unit).

Things to Remember

Written assignments should represent original and individual work.

Assignments are to be handed in on time. If an extension becomes necessary it should be requested ahead of the due date. Otherwise, lateness will be penalized.

Attendance is important. Not all the material to be covered in class is included in the readings. Be sure to bring your copy of the readings to discussion classes.

Grading will be based on the three written assignments, the oral presentation, and class participation (including informal reflections), weighted as follows:

Paper 1 16.66
Paper 2 16.66
Paper 3 33.33
Final Oral Presentation 16.66
Class Participation (Including Response Papers) 16.66