This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at



Purpose and Content of the Course (PDF)

Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session

Course Content

Part I: Quantum Theory of Radiation Interactions
Part II: Topics in Interaction of Electromagnetic Radiation with Matter
Part III: Introductory Theory of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Part IV: Principles of Applications of X-ray and Neutron Scattering

Text Book

Chen, S. H., and M. Kotlarchyk. Interaction of Photons and Neutrons with Matter. World Scientific, 1997.


Classical Mechanics:
Goldstein. Classical Mechanics. Addison-Wesley, 1953.

Electromagnetic Theory:
Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics. Wiley, 1957.

Quantum Mechanics:
Merzbacher. Quantum Mechanics. Wiley, 1961.

Radiation Interactions:
Louisell. Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation. Wiley, 1973.

Heitler. Quantum Theory of Radiation. Oxford: Dover, 1956.

Statistical Mechanics:
Kittel. Elementary Statistical Physics. Wiley, 1953.

Course Requirements

Two quizzes and a term paper: 20% each
Homework: 40% (six sets)


  1. An Overview of Classical Mechanics (2 Days)

    The Lagrangian Formulation
    The Hamiltonian Formulation
    Variations on the Pendulum
    Coupled Oscillations
    Poisson Brackets
  2. The Transition to Quantum Mechanics (6 Days)

    Basic Dirac Formulation
    The State Vector: Kets, Bras, and Inner Products
    Matrix Representations
    The Quantum Postulates
    Observables, Operators, and Measurement
    Probabilities and Expectation Values
    Classical Correspondence and the Role of Commutators
    Transformation to the Schrödinger Picture
    Representations in Position Space
    Momentum Space
    Angular Momentum and Quantum Mechanics in Three Dimensions
    Angular Momentum Operators and Commutator Relations
    Quantization of Angular Momentum
    Orbital Angular Momentum Eigenfunctions
    Stationary States for Particle in a Central Potential

  3. Classical Treatment or Electromagnetic Fields and Radiation (3 Days)

    Electromagnetic Field Equations and Conservation Laws
    Conservation of Charge
    Conservation of Energy
    Conservation of Momentum
    Electromagnetic Potentials
    The Coulomb Gauge
    The Lorentz Gauge
    Field Due to a Changing Polarization
    Light Scattering from Dielectric Particles

  4. Quantum Properties of the Field (1 Day)

    Canonical Formulation of a Pure Radiation Field
    Quantization of a Pure Radiation Field
    Coherent States of the Radiation Field

  5. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory, Transition Probabilities, and Scattering (2 Days)

    The Interaction Picture in Quantum Mechanics
    Perturbation Expansion of the Time-Evolution Operator
    Fermi's Golden Rule
    First-Order Transitions
    Extension to Scattering Problems
    Double-Differential Scattering Cross-Sections

  6. The Density Operator and Its Role in Quantum Statistics (1 Day)

    Mixed States and the Density Operator
    Entropy and Information Content-Determining the Density Operator of a System
    Perturbation Expansion of the Density Operator

  7. First-Order Radiation Processes (2 Days)

    Emission and Absorption of Photons by Atoms and Molecules
    The Photoelectric Effect

  8. Second-Order Processes and the Scattering of Photons (2 Days)

    Scattering of Electromagnetic Radiation by a Free Electron
    Classical Theory
    Quantum Theory
    Scattering of Photons by Atoms
    X-ray Scattering

  9. Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (3 Days)

    Energy of a Nuclear Spin in an Applied Magnetic Field
    Quantum Mechanical Description of Motion of a Nuclear Spin in a Static Magnetic Field
    Nuclear Spins in Thermal Equilibrium Under a Static Magnetic Field
    Effect of Alternating Transverse Magnetic Field on Spin Dynamics
    The Bloch Equations - T1 and T2 Relaxations
    The Principle of Spin Echo

  10. Dynamic Structure Factors (2 Days)

    Dynamic Structure Factors for Simple Fluid Systems
    The Self Dynamic Structure Factor
    The Full Dynamic Structure Factor
    Inelastic Neutron Scattering from a Harmonic Oscillator
    General Properties of the Dynamic Structure Factor