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1 Scalar Field Theory  
2 Wick Theorem and Particle States Problem set 1 out
3 Scattering and Dimensional Regularization  
4 Minimal Subtraction and Beta-functions Problem set 2 out
5 Euclidean Continuation Problem set 1 due
6 Mass and Wavefunction Renormalization Problem set 3 out
7 Mass and Wavefunction Renormalization (cont.) Problem set 2 due
8 Degree of Divergence  
9 Introduction to Lie Algebras Problem set 3 due
10 Classical Electrodynamics Problem set 4 out
11 Classical Formulation of Non-abelian Gauge Theory  
12 Classical Formulation of Non-abelian Gauge Theory (cont.)  
13 Wilson Lines

Problem set 4 due

Problem set 5 out

14 Global Symmetry Breaking  
15 Goldstone's Theorem  
16 Nonlinear Sigma Models Problem set 5 due
17 Chiral Symmetry Breaking Problem set 6 out
18 Quarks and Pions  
19 Higgs Mechanism  
20 Higgs Mechanism (cont.) Problem set 6 due
21 Quantization of Abelian Gauge Theory in the Radiation Gauge Problem set 7 out
22 Covariant Quantization of Non-abelian Gauge Fields  
23 Covariant Quantization of Non-abelian Gauge Fields (cont.) Problem set 7 due
24 Fadeev-Popov Ghosts and Feynman Rules Problem set 8 out
25 Computation of the QCD Beta Function  
26 Asymptotic Freedom Problem set 8 due
27 Final Exam Final Exam