This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Assignment Descriptions

There are two writing assignments due in this course:

The first is a book review of one of the books on the syllabus, with a minimum length of 1500 words. This is due in the middle of the term.

The second is a historiographical essay of 7500 words, and this is due in the final week of class. This essay involves reading a series of contrasting works on the same topic, evaluating the contributions and limitations of each, and situating them within wider historiographic themes.

Examples of Student Work

Paper Two

Student work is courtesy of the students and used with permission.

Michael Rossi The Whole Whale: Nature, Humans, Technology, History (PDF)
Anonymous In Conversation with Bruno Latour: Historiography of "Science in Action" (PDF)


Additional Topics

"Weapons of Mass Construction: A Historiography of the Machine-Organism Analogy in Cybernetics"

"Catching Us Off Guard: The Transformative Assemblage of the Synthetic Chemical Industry"