This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Part I: The Scientific Method
1 Introduction and Course Overview  
2 Models and Theories in Political Science  
Part II: Methods of Research
3 Introduction to Research Design and The Experimental Method  
4 Experiments in Political Science  
5 Case Studies, Comparing Cases, and Statistical Analysis Statement of Research Due for Research Design Project
Part III: Gathering Data
6 Selecting and Sampling Cases Exercise 1 Due (Questions of Validity)
7 Observation, Measurement, and Political Implications I  
8 Observation, Measurement, and Political Implications II  
Part IV: Guest Lectures
9 Jens Hainmueller Exercise 2 Due (Measurement)
10 Vipin Narang Literature Review Due
Part V: Student Presentations
11 Group 1  
12 Group 2  
13 Group 3  
Part VI: Conclusions
14 Ethics and Political Research  
15 Final Thoughts Final Paper Due