This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Argument Detection Exercise

Each week, students must turn in one page on a reading of their choice, before that reading is discussed in class.

This assignment has two parts:

  1. A valid argument, with numbered premises and a conclusion, extracted from the texts for our next class;
  2. Your critique—which premise is most open to doubt, and why?

Length: no more than one page.

Argument examples and first answer key (PDF)

Paper Assignments

Three in number, 5 pages each. Topics will be distributed in advance. The first paper must be rewritten and resubmitted. Your grade will be the average of the original and resubmit grades. (Revised papers are held to a higher standard.) Everyone is expected to visit the Writing Tutor at least once in the semester.

1 (PDF)
2 (PDF)
3 (PDF)

Final Exam

This is a 3-hour exam on material covered throughout the term. The exam will be at least 2/3 essay format, and essay questions will be distributed at the final lecture of the term. The exam will be closed-note and closed-book.

Final exam study guide (PDF)