This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Three programming projects are required. The projects focus on applying numerical algorithms to aerospace applications.

  1. Ordinary Differential Equations (PDF)
  2. Partial Differential Equations (PDF)
  3. Probabilistic Methods and Optimization (PDF)

It is recommended that programming be done in MATLAB®. Each project will be assigned a letter grade based on the standard MIT letter grade descriptions (see syllabus).

Late projects will not be accepted. This will always be the case unless a permission to submit late is obtained from the course faculty in advance. Such permission is only given if there is a strong (and generally totally unforeseen) reason. Except in extreme cases, this permission must be obtained at least three days prior to the due date. Attention: Computer-related disasters are NOT considered excuses for missing deadlines.

Project Collaboration

While discussion of the projects is encouraged among students, the work submitted for grading must represent your understanding of the subject matter. Significant help from other students or other sources should be noted in writing (at the top of your assignment). You are expected to write your own codes and your own reports for the projects.

Sample Student Projects

(Courtesy of anonymous MIT student. Used with permission.)

Project 1 Sample (PDF)

Project 2 Sample (PDF)

Project 3 Sample (PDF)