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Practice Quiz 21 Answers

  1. __________ いいよ。

    1. だれも
      Wrong. The pattern "Interrogative words (だれ and ) + " can only be followed by a negative sentence, e.g., だれもわからない or 何もない. Note that other interrogatives can be followed both by affirmative and negative sentences (see JSL 13A, SP1).

    2. 何でもいいよ。
      Right! The translation is: "No matter what it is, it will be fine."

    3. 何を買ってもいいよ。
      Right! The translation is: "No matter what you buy, it is fine."

    4. 間違えてもいいよ。
      Right! The translation is: "It is okay to make mistakes."

    5. 和室がいいよ。
      Right! The translation is: "I prefer a Japanese-style room."

  2. __________ そうですよ。

    1. 二食付き
      Wrong. The correct sentence would be 二食付きだそうですよ。

    2. 九時には済みます
      Wrong. The sentence before そうだ must be in direct-style. The correct sentence is:

      I heard that it will be done by 9.

    3. 無理だったそうですよ。
      Right! The translation is: "I heard that it was impossible."

    4. にぎやかな
      Wrong. It should be:

      I heard it is lively.

      Remember, after a ending, a nominal must follow:
      にぎやかな人、にぎやかなえん会、にぎやかなんです (the extended predicate is classified as a nominal!)

    5. そのことは聞かなかったそうですよ。
      Right! The translation is: "I heard that s/he did not hear anything about it."

  3. 田中さん __________ わからないと思う。

    1. 田中さんしかわからないと思う。
      Right! The translation is: "I think nobody except Tanaka understands."

    2. 田中さんほどわからないと思う。
      Right! The translation is: "I think I do not understand as much as Tanaka does."

    3. 田中さんだけわからないと思う。
      Right! The translation is: "I think only Tanaka does not understand."

    4. 田中さんにはわからないと思う。
      Right! The translation is: "I think it is not comprehensible to Tanaka."

    5. 田中さんがわからないと思う。
      Right! The translation is: "I think it is Tanaka who does not understand."

  4. __________ じしょですね。

    1. やくに立たないじしょですね。
      Right! The translation is: "It is a useless dictionary, isn't it?"

    2. 使いやすいの
      Wrong. must be deleted for this to work.

    3. 友だちにあげるつもり
      Wrong. must be added:

      It is the dictionary you intend to give to your friend, isn't it?

  5. __________ くれない?

    1. あらってくれない?
      Right! The translation is: "Would you wash it?"

    2. 集めてくれない?
      Right! The translation is: "Would you collect it?"

    3. とどいて
      Wrong. It should be:

      Would you deliver it?

    4. ねかしてくれない?
      Right! The translation is: "Would you put (a child) to sleep?"


  6. 高くても __________ 。

    1. 高くてもかまわないって。
      Right! The translation is: "I heard that it was all right even if it was expensive."

    2. 高くてもよくないコンピューターでも。
      Right! The translation is: "Even if it is expensive, it is not a good computer."

    3. 高くても三千円だよ。
      Right! The translation is: "Even if it is expensive, it is 3000 yen (At most, it will cost 3000 yen)." Other examples:

      遅くても 8 時までに来るはずです。
      It is expected that s/he will come by eight, at the latest.

      あのホテルは高いから、安くても一晩 250ドルだ。
      Because that hotel is expensive, it costs $250 per night, at the cheapest.

    4. 高くても買わないはずはない。
      Right! The translation is: "There is no expectation that he won't buy it even if it is expensive."

  7. __________ はこべますよ。

    1. 何回
      Wrong. Interrogative number + indicates a significantly large number (see JSL L13A, SP1). Compare the following:

      I can transport them many times.

      How many times can you transport them?

    2. だれでもはこべますよ。
      Right! The translation is: "No matter who s/he may be, s/he can carry them."

    3. 軽い物しか
      Wrong. Remember that しか entails the negative form of predicates.

      I can carry nothing except light things.

    4. 車一だいではこべますよ。
      Right! The translation is:"With one vehicle, I can carry them."

    5. 何も
      Wrong. "Interrogative words (だれ and ) + " can only be followed by a negative predicate.

      I cannot carry anything.

  8. __________ ことですけど、、。

    1. ねだん
      Wrong. Since both ねだん and こと are nominals, thus connective is required.

      Things concerning the price, but...

    2. はずかしいの
      Wrong. When a verbal/adjectival sentence occurs as a modifier of a following nominal, connective should not be used in between (Lesson 19 Practice Quiz #7, Lesson 20 Practice Quiz #8).

      It is an embarrassing matter, but...

    3. もう済みました
      Wrong. Sentence modifiers must be DIRECT-FORM (Lesson 19 Practice Quiz #8).

      It is the matter which came to an end, but...

    4. 課長しかご存知じゃないことですけど、、。
      Right! The translation is: "It is the matter that nobody except the section chief knows, but..."

    5. 教授に貸していただいた便利な新しい
      Wrong. こと refers to a an intangible thing, act, and fact. Here the preceding sentence modifier indicates the referent is a "tangible" object. Thus, もの should be used.

      The convenient and new thing that I borrowed from the professor...

    6. ゆうめいだ
      Wrong. ゆうめい is a nominal.

      It is a matter that is famous.

  9. __________ 経験があります。

    1. ひろうえんに出ました
      Wrong. See 8c above.

      I have an experience of attending a wedding reception.

    2. 民宿に泊まる
      Wrong. Experiences usually refer to what has been done, finished, completed, so the preceding verbal should be perfective-form.

      I have stayed at tourist home.

    3. 少ししか
      Wrong. See 7c above. The correct sentence would be:

      I have no experience except a little.

  10. どのふとんをしくか __________

    1. しれない。
      Wrong. Do not confuse しれない with しらないしらない (知らない, do not know - どのふとんをしくか知らない, "I do not know which futon s/he spreads out.") is different from しれない in predicate X + かもしれない. X may be true, JSL Lesson 13A SP2:

      I may spread out this futon.

    2. どうか決めた?
      Wrong. X かどうか is used for the embedded alternate (yes-no) question ("I do not know whether it is X or not"). Compare the following:

      Have you decided whether you would spread out the futon or not?

      Have you decided which futon you would spread out?

    3. どのふとんをしくか教えてって。
      Right! The translation is: "Someone said, 'Please let me know which futon to spread out.'"

    4. そうです。
      Wrong. Direct-style perfective or imperfective predicate + そうだ, "[secondhand information X] is said to be true; I hear X is true." In other words, this structural pattern implies validity of the secondhand information. Thus, embedded question alone cannot precede そうだ. Compare the following:

      They say that s/he does not know which futon to spread out.

      They say that s/he asked which futon to spread out.

  11. __________ いいはずです。

    1. 多分いいはずです。
      Right! The translation is: "It is expected to be good, probably."

    2. 何時で
      Wrong. Compare the following:

      It is expected to be good no matter what time it may be.

      Being on Monday, it is expected to be good (Monday should do).

      It is expected to be good even if it is on Monday.

    3. あわてない方
      Wrong. See Lesson 20 Practice Quiz #9c.

      It is expected to be better for you not to get panicked.

    4. 旅館でもいいはずです。
      Right! The translation is: "It is expected to be good even if it is a Japanese style inn."

    5. 気持ちがいいはずです。
      Right! The translation is: "It is expected to be comfortable."

    6. いつ起きてもいいはずです。
      Right! The translation is: "No matter when you may get up, it should be fine."

  12. __________ ということは、知りませんでした。

    1. 不便な
      Wrong. See Lesson 21 Practice Quiz #2 above: nominal にぎやか

      I did not know (the fact) that it is inconvenient.

    2. 週末は予約が取りにくいということは、知りませんでした。
      Right! The translation is: "I did not know (the fact) that it is difficult for us to make a reservation on weekend."

    3. 色々なお寺を回ったということは、知りませんでした。
      Right! The translation is: "I did not know (the fact) that s/he went around various temples."

    4. ご両親がしょうちしてくれないということは、知りませんでした。
      Right! The translation is: "I did not know (the fact) that his/her parents do not agree with him/her."


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