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Spatial Statistics

The following material was drawn from a workshop on Spatial Statistics given at MIT during IAP 2016 . It provides an introduction to spatial statistics and information on spatial autocorrelation, different conceptual models, data value measurement, regression analysis, and an exploration of problems that may arise. The workshop also featured two practice exercises, which can be found below.

Introduction to Spatial Statistics (PDF - 3.5MB)

Note: ArcGIS is a paid program available to the MIT Community. Geoda is a free program available from Arizona State University.

Autocorrelation Exercise (PDF) Regression Exercise (PDF - 1.7MB)
Autocorrelation Sample Data (ZIP) (This zip file contains 1.dbf, 1.prj, 1sbn, 1.sbx, 1.shp and 1.shx files.) Regression Sample Data (ZIP) (This zip file contains 1.dbf, 1.prj, 1sbn, 1.sbx, 2.shp, 1.shx and 1 .data base files.)