This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at


Course Meeting Times

Lectures: 2 sessions / week, 1.5 hours / session


One philosophy subject is the only prerequisite.

Assignments and Grading

Assessment will be by means of two papers, each of which should be around ten pages long (i.e. 3,000 - 4,000 words long). Each paper counts for 50% of the course grade.


1 Introductory Session
2 The Classical Compatibilist Account
3 Refining the Consequence Argument and "Could have done otherwise"
4 Denying Closure of Unavoidability
5 Lewis on Law Breaking
6 Modal Metaphysics
7 More Modal Metaphysics
8 Libertarianism I
9 Libertarianism II
10 Time Travel
11 Frankfurt on Alternate Possibilities
12 Reactions to Frankfurt
13 Strawson Assignment 1 due
14 Reactions to Strawson
15 Frankfurt's Higher Order Account
16 Reactions to Frankfurt
17 Reason Responsiveness; Wolf
18 Choosing; Intentions; Weakness of Will
19 Choice and Freedom
20 Choice and Knowledge
21 Empirical Work: Social Psychology I
22 Empirical Work: Social Psychology II
23 Addiction Assignment 2 due eight days after Lec #23