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This section includes the required texts and the assigned readings for the course.

Required Texts

Martinich, Aloysius P., ed. The Philosophy of Language. 4th ed. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2001. ISBN: 0195135431.

Kripke, Saul. Naming and Necessity. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1980. ISBN: 0674598466.

Section One: Sense and Reference, Names and Descriptions
1 Frege. "On Sense and Nominatum." In The Philosophy of Language .
2 Russell. "On Denoting." In The Philosophy of Language.

Russell. "Descriptions." In The Philosophy of Language .
3 Quine, Willard van Orman. "Two Dogmas of Empiricism." In The Philosophy of Language .

Background Reading

Friedman, Michael. Reconsidering Logical Positivism . New York, NY: Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN: 0521624495.

Murzi, Mauro. "Logical Positivism." Forthcoming in The New Encyclopedia of Unbelief. Edited by Tom Flynn. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2007. ISBN: 1591023912.  (See Mauro Maurzi's Web site on logical positivism.)

Hempel, Carl G. "Empiricist Criteria of Cognitive Significance." In The Philosophy of Language .
4-5 Kripke. "Naming and Necessity." In The Philosophy of Language .

Putnam. "Meaning and Reference." In The Philosophy of Language .
6 Strawson. "On Referring." In The Philosophy of Language .

Donnellan. "Reference and Definite Descriptions." In The Philosophy of Language .

Kripke. "Speaker's Reference and Semantic Reference." In The Philosophy of Language .
7 Von Fintel, K. "Would you Believe It? The King of France is Back! (Presuppositions and Truth Value Intuitions)." In Descriptions and Beyond. Edited by M. Reimer and A. Bezuidenhout. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2004, pp. 315-41.

Yablo. "Non-Catastropic Presupposition Failure." In The Philosophy of Language .

Perry. "The Problem of the Essential Indexical." In The Philosophy of Language .

Lewis. "Attitudes De Dicto and De Se." In The Philosophy of Language .
Section Two: Pragmatics
8 Austin. "Performative Utterances." In The Philosophy of Language .

Grice. "Logic and Conversation." In The Philosophy of Language .

Lewis. "Scorekeeping in a Language Game." In The Philosophy of Language .

Langton, Rae. "Speech Acts and Unspeakable Acts." Philosophy and Public Affairs 22, no. 4 (1993): 305-330.

Langton, Rae, and Caroline West. "Scorekeeping in a Pornographic Language Gam." Australasian Journal of Philosophy 77 (1999): 303-19. Reprinted in Langton, Sexual Solipsism.

10 Lewis. "Languages and Language." In The Philosophy of Language .
Section Three: Propositional Attitudes
11 Frege. "On Sense and Nominatum." In The Philosophy of Language .

Davidson. "On Saying That." In The Philosophy of Language .
12 Kripke. "A Puzzle About Belief." In The Philosophy of Language .

Nathan U. Salmon. "How to Become a Millian Heir." Noûs 23 (1989): 211-220.
13 Crimmins, Mark, and John Perry. "The Prince and the Phone Booth: Reporting Puzzling Beliefs." The Journal of Philosophy 86, no. 12 (December 1989): 685-711.

Saul, Jennifer. "Substitution and Simple Sentences." Analysis 57, no. 2 (1997).
Section Four: Truth
14 Frege. "On Sense and Nominatum." In The Philosophy of Language .

Tarski. "The Semantic Conception of Truth, and the Foundations of Semantics." In The Philosophy of Language .

Stoljar. "The Deflationary Theory of Truth." In The Philosophy of Language .
Section Five: Rule Following
15 Kripke. "On Rules and Private Language." In The Philosophy of Language .

Millikan. "Truth Rules, Hoverflies, and the Kripke-Wittgenstein Paradox." In The Philosophy of Language .

Holton, Richard. "Meaning and Rule Following." In The International Encyclopaedia of the Social and Behavioural Sciences. Edited by N. Smelser and P. Baltes. New York, NY: Elsevier, 2001. ISBN: 0080430767.