This is an archived course. A more recent version may be available at

Lecture Outlines

1 Introduction to Course and Field of Women's and Gender Studies No lecture outline available
2 The Roots of Contemporary Gender Debates: The 19th Century American Women's Rights Movement Session 2 Outline (PDF)
3 Interpreting Classic American Women's Rights Documents: Seneca Falls Convention and "The Declaration of Sentiments" (1848) Session 3 Outline (PDF)
4 Interpreting Classic American Women's Rights Documents: Seneca Falls Convention and "The Declaration of Sentiments" (1848) (cont.) Session 4 Outline (PDF)

Strategies for Gender Change: "Direct Action Voting" / Civil Disobedience;

Gender, Race and Suffrage

Session 5 Outline (PDF)
6 Gender, Race and Suffrage (cont.) Session 6 Outline (PDF)
7 Gender, Race and Suffrage (cont.) Session 7 Outline (PDF)
8 Resistance or Illness?: Discourses of Women, Medicine and Madness in 19th Century America and Beyond Session 8 Outline (PDF)
9 The Life and Times of Rosie the Riveter Session 9 Outline (PDF)
10 Beyond Suffrage: The Roots of the Second Wave of the American Women's Rights Movement: World War II and Postwar Era Session 10 Outline (PDF)
11 Beyond Suffrage: The Roots of the Second Wave of the American Women's Rights Movement: World War II and Postwar Era (cont.) Session 11 Outline (PDF)
12 The Second Wave of Women's Rights Activism (1963-present) Session 12 Outline (PDF)
13 The Second Wave of Women's Rights Activism (1963-present) (cont.) Session 13 Outline (PDF)
14 Socialization and Gender Roles; Conceptualizing the Meaning of Biological Differences Session 14 Outline (PDF)
15 Socialization: Race, Ethnicity, Nationality and Gender Roles; Gender and Education Session 15 Outline (PDF)
16 Representation of Gender in Advertising and Popular Visual Media Session 16 Outline (PDF)
17 Representation of Gender in Advertising and Popular Visual Media (cont.) Session 17 Outline (PDF)
18 Sexualities and Gender; The Right to Marriage Session 18 Outline (PDF)
19 Crossing Gender Boundaries Session 19 Outline (PDF)
20 Perspectives on Transgender Session 20 Outline (PDF)
21 Sexuality, Contraception and Reproductive Choice Session 21 Outline (PDF)
22 Gender and Work Session 22 Outline (PDF)
23 Gender and Work (cont.) Session 23 Outline (PDF)
24 Gender and Work: Global Dimensions Session 24 Outline (PDF)
25 Gender and Work: Global Dimensions (cont.) Session 25 Outline (PDF)
26 Global Issues: Contemporary Gender Equality Issues and Movements; Course Wrap-Up Session 26 Outline (PDF)