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17.871 (formerly 17.801)
Political Science Laboratory
MIT Department of Political Science
Prof. Charles Stewart


How do political scientists think about empirical problems, assess arguments, and create new knowledge? To answer this question adequately would require more than just one subject (can you say "graduate school?"). This subject offers a first cut at answering this question by exploring the key statistically-based research tools that social scientists use to frame and answer empirical questions. When you finish this subject you will have a better idea about what political scientists do with their time, be better able to read critically much of the professional literature in the field, and may very well have an employable skill. The most important purpose behind the political science laboratory, however, is to help you move from being a passive reader of social scientific tomes to being a creative producer of new insights.

Producing new knowledge, or systematically probing someone else's claims, can be a lot of fun. (If it weren't, I would have become a lawyer.) In order to get to the fun, there is a lot of stuff we have to consider. Consequently, this subject runs on three (roughly) parallel tracks so that we can accomplish everything we need to get done once the semester is over.

Leaving on Track 1 is statistics. Statistical reasoning is the most important method of testing hypotheses in the social sciences. Therefore the statistical introduction offered here forms the core of the subject. The approach I will take to statistics is informal and intuitive. The approach could be more formal and less intuitive, but that would leave us with less time to get on to the new knowledge part. If this subject piques your interest in statistical methods, or if you want a more rigorous treatment of the statistical topics addressed here, you might want to consider taking 17.846 (Multivariate Political Analysis), 14.31 (Econometrics), or 6.430J (Engineering Probability and Statistics).

Leaving on Track 2 are research mechanics. When I teach my quadrennial subject on presidential elections, I try to disabuse students of the notion that electoral campaigns are things that happen in people's heads, with voters weighing the pros and cons of each candidate and then spontaneously going to the polls on election day. The word campaign should conjure up a physical enterprise, with the winner not always the one with the good ideas (though they don't hurt), but more often the one with the better organization, more complete voter lists, and more extensive car pool. Social science research is like that, too. Lots of people have lots of interesting ideas about how the social world works. Some of these ideas are right, others, nuts. In the long run the researchers who are taken the most seriously and who make the biggest contributions are the ones who get down and dirty with the data. And doing good empirical research involves knowing how libraries work, how to convince people to be interviewed by you, how to type numbers into a computer, how to write code in monster statistical packages, and how to craft a clear English-language sentence. We will therefore spend a good amount of time with the mundane tasks of learning how to use one specific statistical package (called STATA®) and learning how to write papers that follow a specific style book (Turabian's Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations).

Leaving on Track C is a project of your own making. There is supposedly an old Chinese proverb that says, "I hear and I forget; I see and I remember; I do and I understand." It is this philosophy that drives the Institute's lab requirement, and it is the philosophy that drives this subject. You will be responsible for wading through the professional literature of political science, picking a subject that interests you, and applying the skills you're learning in this subject toward learning (and understanding) something new. I think this is the most interesting part of this subject. This can be fun, but it's also much more difficult than it first appears. Because doing original research is so hard, we have recently instituted a prerequisite for this subject and I will begin enforcing it pretty stringently this term. (I'll be a little more lenient on juniors and seniors who are majors and minors, because the prerequisite is new. However, I take the prerequisite seriously, and so should you.) The reason is that you need to have a pretty good understanding about what political science is and what political scientists do before taking this class. Otherwise, I can guarantee that you will be totally at sea the last half of the semester.

Subject Organization

We will meet twice each week. During the first half of the semester the primary purpose of these meetings will be to review materials in two formats: lecture and discussion. The subject schedule that begins on page 4 delineates what will happen each class meeting. I expect you to be prepared for each class meeting. Preparation will involve different things, depending on what we will be doing in that meeting. During some meetings I will be presenting material from one of the textbooks. For those, you will be expected to have done the textbook reading before the class. I will be paying attention to who seems prepared and who is not. If you are unprepared for a particular class meeting, come to class any way, because I will grade down people who are regularly absent from class. During the second half of the semester we will meet twice each week to talk about your research projects. You will be required to make two class presentations during this period. At the first presentation you will be responsible for introducing the class to the problem you wish to address and how you plan to address it. At the second presentation you will be responsible for presenting your findings. These will be brief presentations, probably no more than 10-15 minutes apiece. Because you will be graded on these presentations, you should practice them beforehand. When you present will be chosen by lottery.

Subject Requirements

  1. Class attendance and discussion of assigned readings: See the comments in the first paragraph of the section on Subject Organization. Come to all the regularly-scheduled class meetings. We will be holding ad hoc review and workshop sessions during the term, which are optional. Attending the oral presentations that your colleagues give about their research is not optional.
  2. Data analysis problem sets: During the first half of the semester we will have a problem set assigned roughly each week. There will be no extensions.
  3. Group project: There will be a group project assigned the first month of the semester, to give you a short introduction to doing quantitative social science research. The final product of each project will be graded, with you assigned a grade that is a linear combination of your own effort and the effort of the group.
  4. Write-up of the final research project: The final project is the culmination of this subject. You should start on the first day of the semester in thinking about what you want to research and getting together your data. Keep in mind that there is an old adage about estimating the amount of time it takes to gather and analyze data for an original project: Take your original estimate. Double it. Double it again. And again. The actual amount of time will be twice this result. In writing up your research project, you must organize the paper using a style book, preferably Kate Turabian's.

activities percentages
Class Attendance and Discussion of Assigned Readings 20%
Data Analysis Problem Sets 20%
Group Project 20%
Write-up of the Final Research Project 40%

Books to Purchase

Freedman, David, Robert Pisani, and Roger Purves. Statistics. 3rd ed. New York, NY: W.W. Norton, c1998. ISBN: 0393970833.

Hamilton, Lawrence C. Statistics with STATA® 7. South Melbourne, Australia; Belmont, CA: Duxbury/Thomson Learning, c2003. ISBN: 0534396542.

Tufte, Edward R. Data Analysis for Politics and Policy. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1974. ISBN: 0131975412.

Overall Structure of Subject

Here is the overall structure of the subject for this semester, organized by date. The reading assignments will follow in the next section.

lec # topics
1 Introduction
2 Designing Research


Hand Out Group Projects
3 Using STATA®
4 Descriptive Statistics
5 Correlation and Bivariate Regression
6 Multiple Regression I
7 Multiple Regression II
8 Presentation of Group Projects
9 Meet Individually to Talk about Individual Projects
10 Meet Individually to Talk about Individual Projects (cont.)
11 Statistical Interference I
12 Statistical Interference II
13 Wrap-up

Pep Talk
14 Individual Presentations I
15 Individual Presentations I (cont.)
16 Individual Presentations I (cont.)
17 Individual Presentations I (cont.)
18 Workshop
19 Workshop (cont.)
20 Workshop (cont.)
21 Individual Presentation II
22 Individual Presentation II (cont.)
23 Individual Presentation II (cont.)
24 Individual Presentation II (cont.)
25 Individual Presentation II (cont.)


lec # topics assigned readings notes
1 Introduction: Approaches to Political Analysis None In addition to reviewing the assignments for the subject, I will provide an overview to political analysis.
2 Designing Research and Measurements Tufe. Data analysis for Politics and Policy. Chapter 1.

Freedman, et al. Statistics. Chapters 1, 2, and 6.

Mostellar, Frederick. "Errors: Nonsampling Errors." In The International Encyclopedia of Statistics. (to be handed out in class)
Hand out group projects
3 Introduction to STATA® Hamilton. Statistics with STATA® 7. Chapters 1, and 2.

Handouts: "How to Use the STATA® infile and infix Commands," and "How to Use STATA® "do" files."
Do the readings before class. I will do some lecturing, but i will also take advantage of the in-class workstations and do some hands-on exercises too.

Hand out problem set 1
4 Descriptive Univariate Statistics Freedman, et al. Statistics. Chapters 3, and 4.

Hamilton. Statistics with STATA®. pp. 58-80, 88-92, and 97-107.
5 Correlation and Bivariate Regression Tufte. Data Analysis for Politics and Policy. Chapters 3, and 4.

Freedman, et al. Statistics. Chapters 8-12.

Hamilton. Statistics with STATA® 7. pp. 124-146, and 177-185.
Collect problem set 1

Hand out problem set 2
6 Multiple Regression I
7 Multiple Regression II Tufte. Data Analysis for Politics and Policy. Chapters 3, and 4.

Freedman, et al. Statistics. Chapters 8-12.

Hamilton. Statistics with STATA® 7. pp. 124-146, 177-185.
Collect problem set 2

Hand out problem set 3
8 Presentation of Group Projects Each group will have 15 minutes to make presentations.
9-10 Meet Individually to Talk about Individual Projects I will meet individually with you to discuss your final project. Sign-up beforehand for 15-minute slots.
11 Sampling and Inference I Freedman, et al. Statistics. Chapters 17, 18, 10, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, and 29.

Hamilton. Statistics with STATA® 7. pp. 108-114.
Collect problem set 3

Hand out problem set 4
12 Sampling and Inference II Freedman, et al. Statistics. Chapters 17, 18, 10, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, and 29.

Hamilton. Statistics with STATA® 7. pp. 108-114.
13 Wrap-up I will fill in any holes that are left and go over the assignment for the rest of the term.
14-17 Preliminary Presentations Collect problem set 4
18-21 Informal Work Sessions These sessions are for you to come and seek help or talk about your project.
22-25 Final Presentations Write-ups due