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A-movement, word-order permutation, and
reconstruction I

Miyagawa, S. to appear (2002), "A-movement scrambling and options without optionality,"Word order and scrambling, ed. by Simin Karimi, Blackwell Publishers (available in the 24.946 cabinet locker in front of my office)

A-movement, word-order permutation, and
reconstruction II

Boeckx, Cedric. 2001. Scope reconstruction and A-movement, NLLT19: 503-548

Uchibori, Asako. 2000. The syntax of subjuncive complement: evidence from Japanese. Doctoral dissertation, University of Connecticut. Ch 2 & 3.

Suggested: Lasnik, Howard. 1999. Chains of arguments, in S. Epstein and N. Hornstein (eds.), Working Minimalism, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

Licensing case positions

Kishimoto, H. (in press) "Binding of indeterminate pronouns and clause structure in Japanese," Linguistic Inquiry 2001 or 2002.

Raising to object position

Ch. 5, Ben Bruening's 2001 MIT dissertation, Syntax at the Edge: Cross-Clausal Phenomena and the Syntax of Passamaquoddy.

Double-object construction

Aldridge, E. (2001) Hentai kanbun: perspective on short scrambling. JEAL 10, 169-200.

Yatsushiro, K. (1998) "Structure within VP in Japanese." J/K 8 Proceedings, CSLI.

Suggested: Bruening, B. (2001) "QR obeys superiority: frozen scope and ACD." LI 32, 233-274. Miyagawa, S. (1997) "Against optional scrambling." LI 28, 1-26.

Possessor raising, locational verbs

Kishimoto, H. 2000. Locational verbs, agreement, and object shift in Japanese. The Linguistic Review 17, 53-109.

Tsujioka, T. (2001) "E-possessives and evidence for EPP-driven scrambling." In FAJL3 Proceedings.

Suggested: Kishimoto, H. (2001) "Possessive constructions in
Japanese." ms., Kobe University.

Suggested: Szabolcsi, A. (1994) "The noun phrase." In The syntactic structure of Hungarian. Syntax and semantics 27, eds. Ferene Kiefer and Katalin E. Kiss, 179-274. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press.


Elbourne, Paul. SALT paper.

Noguchi, T. (1997) "Two types of pronouns and variable binding." Language 73, 770-797.

Another Related Topic: Tsujimura, N. and Aikawa, T. (1999) "Two types of zi-verbs in Japanese." Journal of the Association of Teachers of Japanese 33, 26-43.

External argument and the causative construction

Pylkkanen, L. recent work.

Kuroda, S.-Y. 1993. Lexical and productive causatives in Japanese: The theory of paradigmatic structure. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 15, 1-82.

Suggested: Marantz, A. (1997) "No Escape from Syntax: Don't Try Morphological Analysis in the Privacy of Your Own Lexicon," Proceedings of the 21st Annual Penn Linguistics Colloquium, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 4.2, University of Pennsylvania.

Suggested: Miyagawa, Shigeru. 1998. (S)ase as an elsewhere causative and the syntactic nature of words. Journal of Japanese Linguistics 16, 67-110.

Suggested: Miyagawa, Shigeru. 1999. Causatives. In Tsujimura, Natsuko, ed., The Handbook of Japanese Linguistics, Blackwell.

Islands and wh-in-situ

Richards, N. (2000) "An island effect in Japanese." JEAL 9, 187-205.

The lost overt wh-movement in Japanese

Watanabe, A. (2000) "Loss of overt wh-movement in Old Japanese and demise of 'kakarimusubi'." ms. Univ. of Tokyo.