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Week 2

"The Hollywood Model: Who Is the 'Good' Teacher?" Chap. 2 in The Hollywood Model.

The Education Electorate. Education Week.

Week 3

No Child Left Behind (Official Site)

Hot Topics - No Child Left Behind. Education Week.

Week 4

Hot Topics - Privitization of Public Education. Education Week.

Philadelphia Lines up Outside Group to Run Schools. Education Week.

Edison Schools
. "Research and Evaluation." Research for Action.

Official Wants to End Edison Deal." The Associated Press. Sponsored by Starbucks (17 Aug, 2002).

Edison Schools.

"Back To School Test." Chap. 3 in

Week 5

Homeschooling. Time Magazine.

Changed by Charters. Education Week.

Horace's Hope - A Story Where Nothing Happens.

Horace's Compromise - What High School Is.

Merrifield, John. "Experiment." In School Choice Wars. Scarecrow Education Press, 2001.

Hassel, Bryan
. The Charter School

Horace's Hope - The Words of Reform.

Ravitch, Diane, and Joseph. P. Viteritti. New Schools for a New Century.

Week 6

Should it be This Easy to be a Teacher. Time Magazine.

First Impressions. Education Week.

My First Year as Teacher.

Reflections of First-Year Teachers on School Culture.

Week 7-8

Teacher Quality. Education Week.

Researcher Skewers Explanations Behind Teacher Shortage. Education Week.

The Teacher Shortage: Solutions that Work. Education World.

How People Learn - The Design of Learning Environments.

The Courage to Teach - The Heart of a Teacher.

Week 9

Benchmarks for Science Literacy.

National Science Education Standards.

Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards.

Classroom Assessment and the National Education Standards.

Contradictions of School Reform - Standardization, Defensive Teaching, and the Problems of Control.

One Size Fits Few - Whose Standards These Are, I Think I Know.

Will Standards Save Public Education? Expert Opinion, The Case for Standards.

Week 10

How People Learn.

Learning and Transfer.

Effective Teaching: Examples in History, Mathematics, and Science.

The Unschooled Mind, The Disciplined Mind.

Week 11-12

Does it Compute?

System Crash.

Falling Through the Net.

The Impact of Education Technology on Student Achievement.