Week 2
"The Hollywood Model: Who Is the 'Good' Teacher?" Chap. 2 in The Hollywood Model.
The Education Electorate. Education Week.
Week 3
No Child Left Behind (Official Site)
Hot Topics - No Child Left Behind. Education Week.
Week 4
Hot Topics - Privitization of Public Education. Education Week.
Philadelphia Lines up Outside Group to Run Schools. Education Week.
Edison Schools. "Research and Evaluation." Research for Action.
"Dallas Official Wants to End Edison Deal." The Associated Press. Sponsored by Starbucks (17 Aug, 2002).
Edison Schools. EdisonSchools.com.
"Back To School Test." Chap. 3 in Forbes.
Week 5
Homeschooling. Time Magazine.
Changed by Charters. Education Week.
Horace's Hope - A Story Where Nothing Happens.
Horace's Compromise - What High School Is.
Merrifield, John. "Experiment." In School Choice Wars. Scarecrow Education Press, 2001.
Hassel, Bryan. The Charter School Challenge.
Horace's Hope - The Words of Reform.
Ravitch, Diane, and Joseph. P. Viteritti. New Schools for a New Century.
Week 6
Should it be This Easy to be a Teacher. Time Magazine.
First Impressions. Education Week.
My First Year as Teacher.
Reflections of First-Year Teachers on School Culture.
Week 7-8
Teacher Quality. Education Week.
Researcher Skewers Explanations Behind Teacher Shortage. Education Week.
The Teacher Shortage: Solutions that Work. Education World.
How People Learn - The Design of Learning Environments.
The Courage to Teach - The Heart of a Teacher.
Week 9
Benchmarks for Science Literacy.
National Science Education Standards.
Inquiry and the National Science Education Standards.
Classroom Assessment and the National Education Standards.
Contradictions of School Reform - Standardization, Defensive Teaching, and the Problems of Control.
One Size Fits Few - Whose Standards These Are, I Think I Know.
Will Standards Save Public Education? Expert Opinion, The Case for Standards.
Week 10
How People Learn.
Learning and Transfer.
Effective Teaching: Examples in History, Mathematics, and Science.
The Unschooled Mind, The Disciplined Mind.
Week 11-12
Does it Compute?
System Crash.
Falling Through the Net.
The Impact of Education Technology on Student Achievement.