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The readings listed below provide the foundation of this course. Students are expected to read and discuss the assigned readings with their study groups, and to follow up in class. Readings are arranged by topic.
Required Text:

Aronson, Elliot. The Social Animal. 8th ed. New York: Worth Publ, 1999, pp. 548. (Hereafter, SA).

The Science of Social Psychology and Vice-versa, Part One

Read and Discuss:

Aronson, L., and D. Bridgeman. Jigsaw Groups and the ... Classroom: In Pursuit of Common Goals. 1979.

Read and Discuss: in SA: Front Matter (pp. i-xviii) Note the epigram that Aronson borrows from Aristotle's Politics. Review Table of Contents; -- try to get a sense of what lies ahead! Preface: "Why I Wrote this Book", and Acknowledgments.
Back Matter: Check out the Glossary (pp. 453-461) Start getting familiar with the meanings of those technical terms/concepts. Browse through References (pp. 443-495) and the Indexes (pp. 531-548).
Main Matter: Chapter 1 -- What is Social Psychology? (pp. 1-11).

The Science of Social Psychology and Vice-versa, Part Two

"Social Psychology as a Science." Chap. 9 in SA.

Read and Discuss:

"Social Psychology as a Science." Chap. 9 in SA. (pp. 427-451).

Read and Discuss:

On Paradigms. This consists of 3 parts. The first is an article by me entitled "Paradigms Lost and Regained: Changing Beliefs, Values and Practices in Neuropsychology." The second is a Table entitled "Comparing and contrasting scientific paradigms." It is excerpted from the hardcopy (WORKBOOK) portion of an "electronic book" project intended to promote "sustainability" in a time of human/ecological crisis. (Home Work: An Environmental Literacy Primer ©1995 Stephan L. Chorover/MIT). The third is a 1997 article by my late and sorely missed colleague and friend Alberto Melucci and me entitled "Knowledge and Wonder: Beyond the Crisis of Modern Science?"

Conformity and Deviance
Systems and Lifecycles
Stages/Phases of Development

SA. Chapter 2. Conformity 4 2/28 3

Read and Discuss:

"Conformity." Chap. 2 in SA. Pp. 15-55.

Read/View and Discuss:

Asch, S. E. Opinions and Social Pressure.

Jones, S. You Will Do As Directed.

Milgram, S. Behavioral Study of Obedience.

———. Obedience to Authority. (Videotape; Viewing time 51 mins.)

The Wave. (Videotape; Viewing time 44 minutes)

Wiener, C. Scientists, Engineers and Public Controversies. (Videotape; Viewing time 51 mins.)

Mass Communications and the Media "The Engineering of Consent"
Propaganda and Persuasion
Education and Indoctrination

"Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion." Chap. 3 in SA.

Read and Discuss:

"Mass Communication, Propaganda, and Persuasion." Chap. 3 in SA. Pp. 57-113.

View and Discuss:

Kilbourne, J. Still Killing Us Softly (Video -- Cambridge Documentary Films, 1995) (Viewing time 32 mins.)

Stale Roles and Tight Buns (Video)

Social Cognition, Affect, Perception and Evaluation
The Psychology of Attribution
The Dynamics of Social Action and Inaction

"Social Cognition." Chap. 4 in SA. 6 3/14 5

Read and Discuss:

Articles on 9-11

Macy, J. R. Despair and Personal Power. (Excerpts)

"Social Cognition." Chap. 4 in SA. Pp. 114-177.

Us and Them:
Individual and Collective
Socialization and Self Justification
How Attributional Biases Influence
Our Evaluations of Our Own and Other People's Behavior

"Self-Justification." Chap. 5 in SA.

Read and Discuss:

Haney, C., et al. A Study of Prisoners and Guards in a Simulated Prison.

Osherow, N. Making Sense of the Nonsensical -- An Analysis of Jonestown.

"Self-Justification." Chap. 5 in SA. Pp. 178-251.

Zimbardo, P., et al. The Stanford Prison Experiment 1970 (Video Adaptation of an audiotape/slideshow)

Families as Social Systems: Anorexia Nervosa in Context

Read and Discuss:

Jackson, D. D. "The Individual and the Larger Contexts."

Minuchin, S., et al. "Psychosomatic Families." (Excerpts)

Aggression: What's "Human Nature" Got to Do With It?
Poverty, Racism, Crime and Violence

"Human Aggression." Chap. 6 in SA. 9 4/11 8

Read/View and Discuss:

Berkowitz, L. The Effects of Observing Violence.

"Human Aggression." Chap. 6 in SA. Pp. 252-302.

Chorover, S. L. From Genesis to Genocide: The Meaning of Human Nature and the Power of Behavior Control. MIT Press, 1979. (Excerpts)

Sociobiology Study Group. Biology as a Social Weapon.

Strom, M., and W. Parsons. Facing History and Ourselves.

Sociobiology-Doing What Comes Naturally? (Video, Viewing time mins.)

Prejudice and Discrimination

"Prejudice." Chap. 7 in SA.

You've got to be taught 10 4/18 9

Read and Discuss:

"Prejudice." Chap. 7 in SA. Pp. 302-363.

View and Discuss:

PBS. "Frontline." A Class Divided. (Videotape, viewing time 51 minutes)

The Jig-Saw Classroom Revisited

Read and Discuss:

"Liking, Loving, and Interpersonal Sensitivity." Chap. 8 in SA.

Reread and Discuss:

Aronson, E., and D. Bridgeman. Jigsaw Classroom.