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1 Introduction: Intuition and Familiarity in Physical Law
Relativity before Einstein
  • Inertial Frames
  • Non-inertial Frames
  • Galilean Relativity
  • Form Invariance of Newton's Laws
  • The Galilean Transformation
2 Relativity before Einstein(cont'd)
  • The Galilean law for Addition of Velocities
  • Two Examples of the Usefulness of Galilean Relativity:
    • Example I: Getting Wet in the Rain
    • Example II: Collisions of Equal Mass Particles
Light and Electromagnetism
  • Particle and Wave Interpretations of Light
  • Measurement of the Speed of Light
  • Maxwell's Theory of Electromagnetism, Light as an Electromagnetic Phenomenon, and the Triumph of the Wave Theory of Light
  • Aether as the Medium in which Light Waves Propagate
3 The Search for the Aether
  • Properties of the Aether
  • The Michelson-Morley Experiment
  • Aether Drag, Stellar Aberration, and the Collapse of the Aether Theory
Precursors of Einstein
  • Lorentz and Poincare
  • Lorentz Contraction
  • The Lorentz Invariance of Electromagnetism
The Principles of Relativity
  • Einstein's Postulates
  • The Resolution of the Michelson-Morley Experiment
  • The Need for a Transformation of Time (beginning)
4 The Principles of Relativity (cont'd)
  • The Need for a Transformation of Time (finish)
Intertial Frames, Clocks and Meter Sticks Reconsidered
  • Setting up Measurements in Inertial Frames
  • Synchronizing Clocks
  • Infinite Families of Inertial Frames
The Lorentz Transformation
  • The Need for a Transformation between Inertial Frames
  • The Derivation of the Lorentz Transformation
5 The Lorentz Transformation (cont'd)
  • Space Time Diagrams I
Some Immediate Consequence
  • Relativity of Simultaneity
  • Spacetime, World Lines, Events
  • Lorentz Transformations of Events
The Algebra of Lorentz Transformations
  • Beta, Gamma, and the Rapidity
  • Analogy to Rotations
  • Inverse Lorentz Transformations
6 The Algebra of Lorentz Transformation (cont'd)
  • Analogy to Rotations
  • Inverse Lorentz Transformations
Length Contraction and Time Dilation
  • Simple Derivations
  • Reciprocity
  • Examples -- Duality between Length Contraction and Time Dilation
7 Length Contraction and Time Dilation (cont'd)
  • Careful Comparisons and the "Reality" of Length Contraction
Intervals, Causality, etc.
  • Invariance of the Interval under Lorentz Transformation
  • Spacelike, Timelike, and Lightlike Intervals
  • Causality: the Future, the Past, and Elsewhere
  • Coordinates for Minkowski Space
The Differential Form of the Lorentz Transformation
8 Addition of Velocities
  • Parallel and Perpendicular
  • The Speed of Light is the Limit
Transformation of Angles
  • Static Angles: Transforming Geometry
  • Dynamical Angles: Transforming Rectilinear Motion
  • Stellar Aberration a la Special Relativity
The Relativistic Doppler Effect
  • Frequencies
  • Longitudinal and Transverse Doppler Effects
  • Comparison with the Non-relativistic Doppler Effect
9 The Relativistic Doppler Effect(cont'd)
  • Doppler Effect at Arbitrary Angles
  • Examples of Doppler Effects
The Visual Appearance of Rapidly Moving Objects
The Plevaulter Paradox and the Failure of Rigidity
  • Naive Analysis
  • Resolution: Careful Tracking of "Events"
  • Special Relativity and Rigidity
The Seaplane and the Hole in the Ice
  • The View from the Ice
  • The View from the Plane
10 Apparent Motion Beyond c
  • Landing Lights
  • The Searchlight Effect
Acceleration in Special Relativity
  • Lorentz Transformation of Acceleration
  • The Proper Acceleration
  • Hyperbolic Motion
  • Space Travel
The Iceboat Paradox
  • The View from the Ice
  • The View from the Boat: Lorentz Transformation of Force
11 The Twin Paradox
  • The Simple Form
  • Experimental Confirmation
  • Confusion and Resolution
12 Constructing Relativistic Energy and Momentum
  • Derivation from a Physical Construction
  • Rest Mass
  • Reality of the Rest Energy
  • The Relativistic Relation between Energy, Momentum, and Mass
13 Constructing Relativistic Energy and Momentum (cont'd)
  • Examples of Mass <-> Energy
  • Massless Particles
  • The Pressure of Light
Relativistic Decays and Collisions
  • A->2B in the A Rest Frame
14 Relativistic Decays and Collisions (cont'd)
  • Photon Emission and Absorption
  • Doppler Shift and the Mossbauer Effect
Insert: Review of Inertial Frames
15 Relativistic Decays and Collisions (cont'd)
  • Compton Effect and Quantum Mechanics
Transformation Properties under Lorentz Transformations
  • Invariants and Things That Change
  • The Instantaneous Rest Frame
  • Proper Time as a Lorentz Invariant
  • Four-vectors
  • Definitions via Transformation Properties
  • The Four Vector in Minkowski Space
The Four Velocity -- Another Four Vector
16 The Lorentz Transformation of Energy and Momentum
  • The Energy-Momentum Four Vector
  • Examples of Lorentz Transformation of Energy and Momentum
The Invariant Scalar Product
  • The Invariant Interval as an Operation on Four-vectors
  • The Invariant Product of Four-Momenta
  • Simplifying Kinematics for Decays and Collisions
17 The Invariant Scalar Product (cont'd)
  • More Decays and Collisions
  • Compton Scattering Again
Einstein Notation and Relativity in Metric Space
18 The Incompleteness of Special Relativity
  • Non-inertial Frames
  • A General Principle of Relativity
The Equivalence of Inertial and Gravitational Mass
  • Newton's Law of Gravity
  • Gravitational "Charge" and Intertial Mass
  • The Gravitational Field
  • Gravity as Another Manifestation of Inertia
The Principle of Equivalence
  • Einstein's Elevator and Other Intertial Frames
  • Gravity and Acceleration
19 Consequences of the Equivalence Principle
  • The Gravitational Redshift
  • The Pound-Rebka Experiment and Sirius B
  • The Bending of Light in a Gravitational Field
Considerations on a Spinning Disk
  • Gavitational Dilation
  • When Time Stops: the Schwartzschild Radius and Black Holes
  • Curvature and Non-Euclidean Geometry