1 |
Introduction. Evolution … |
2 |
… and the Selfish Gene |
3 |
The Study of Animal Behavior |
4 |
Development of Behavior
Midterm Paper Topics Distributed |
5 |
Neuroethology and the Organizing Mechanisms of Behavior |
6 |
Alternative Strategies |
7 |
The Arms Race I: Eating (Optimality and
Predation) |
8 |
The Arms Race II: Being Eaten (Antipredator Adaptation) |
9 |
Habitat selection
Mid Term Paper Due Beginning of Class |
10 |
Aggression and Territoriality |
11 |
Spatial Cognition and Navigation |
EXAM I: Lectures 1 - 11 |
12 |
Communication I: Adaptation |
13 |
Communication II: Mechanisms |
14 |
The Battle of the Sexes I: Why Sex? |
15 |
The Battle of the Sexes II: Sexual Selection |
16 |
Mating Systems |
17 |
Hormones and Sexual Behavior (Petrulis) |
18 |
Altruism and Game Theory |
19 |
Final Paper Topics Due |
20 |
Social Living |
EXAM II: Lectures 12 - 20 |
21 |
Discussion: Intelligence and Complexity |
22 |
Discussion: Human Ethology |
23 |
Discussion: “Cognitive Adaptation?”
Final Paper Due Beginning of Class |