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Part I - Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering Projects
1 Introduction
2 19th Century Transportation
3 Panama Canal Case Study
Part II - Life Cycle Costs
4 Cost Terminology
5 Cost and Revenue Functions
7 Principle of Equivalence
8 Converting Between a Series of Cash Flows, Present Value, Annuities, and Future Value
9 Choosing a Discount Rate
Quiz 1
Part III - Comparing Benefits and Costs
12 Comparing Costs and Benefits
13 Comparing Alternatives
16 Prices and Inflation
18 Taxes and Depreciation
Quiz 2
Part IV - Evaluating CEE Projects
22 Case Studies in Accessibility
23 Case Studies in Quality of Life
Guest Lectures on Sustainability
25 Viewing of PBS documentary "Mulholland's Dream" and assessment of the Los Angeles Water Project in light of the Pinchot four-pronged framework
26 Part A: Environmental Values and Environmental Impact Assessment
Part B: Orange County Groundwater Replenishment System's EIA
27 Review of the book Cadillac Desert and discussion of the issues in the Mulholland project
28 Part A: Sustainability Assessment of OCGRS
Part B: Seven Questions Methodology Applied to OCGRS
Part IV - Evaluating CEE Projects (continued)
29 Dealing with Risks and Uncertainty
30 Choosing Mutually Exclusive Alternatives, Review
Quiz 3