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2.71 Optics, Fall 2001

Imaging condition: ray-tracing.
Imaging condition: ray-tracing. (Courtesy of Prof. George Barbastathis.)

Highlights of this Course

An extensive set of lecture notes and full problem sets are available in PDF format.

» View this course en Español or em Portugues courtesy of Universia.

Course Description

Introduction to optical science with elementary engineering applications. Geometrical optics: ray-tracing, aberrations, lens design, apertures and stops, radiometry and photometry. Wave optics: basic electrodynamics, polarization, interference, wave-guiding, Fresnel and Faunhofer diffraction, image formation, resolution, space-bandwidth product. Emphasis on analytical and numerical tools used in optical design. Graduate students are required to complete additional assignments with stronger analytical content, and an advanced design project.



Prof. George Barbastathis

Course Meeting Times

Two sessions / week
2 hours for first session
1 hour for second session




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