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Optics by Hecht, 3rd edition, Addison-Wesley (H)

1 Introduction/Reflection and Refraction H 1, 4.3-4.5, 4.7
2 Geometrical Optics - Lenses H 5.2 and 6.2
3 Mirrors and Prisms H 5.4 - 5.5
4 Optical Systems H 5.7
5 Thick Lenses/ Aberrations/Optical Design H 6.1, 6.3-6.5
6 Geometrical Optics Overview  
7 Light as wave/ Wave Paramters H 2.1-2.7, 3.2-3.4
8 Wave propagation; complex numbers; phasors  
9 Linear Systems and Fourier Transforms H 7.1-3, 11.1-2
10 Fourier series and integrals Notes
11 Diffraction and gratings H 10.1, 10.3.1-4
12 Fraunhofer diffraction H 10.2
13 Light propagation as a linear system H 11.1-11.3
14 Fourier optics examples  
15 Frequency analysis of optical systems H 11.3.5
16 Optics as linear systems  
17 Coherent vs incoherent imaging H 12.1-12.2
18 Optical transfer functions  
19 Diffractive optics. Holography H 10.3.5, H 13.3
20 Diffraction & coherence overview  
21 Interference and interferometers H 9.1-6
22 Polarization. Light sources and detectors H 4.6, 8.1-2, H 13.1
23 Fiber optics. Optical networking H 5.6