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Course Goals
  1. To learn how to use computation in efficiently solving some types of scientific, engineering and management
  2. To learn to program in an interactive, object-oriented environment, namely Java®.
  3. To understand the basic concepts of software engineering:
    • Design
    • Documentation
    • Debugging
    • Teamwork in the implementation of software.
  4. To be introduced to the concepts and use of object-oriented software design
  5. To learn how to build computer programs that make effective use of the Java® class libraries.
  6. To learn how to build interactive graphic user interfaces.
  7. To learn to use algorithms, including:
    • What is an algorithm?
    • How do you describe an algorithm?
    • How do you implement an algorithm from a description?
    • How do you compare and choose an algorithm for a particular application?
  8. To learn to use data structures:
    • What is a data structure?
    • How do you implement one?
    • How do you combine algorithms and data structures?
    • How do you use generic data structures and the Java® collection classes?
  9. To learn to recognize, implement, and combine software patterns.
Course Requirements
  • 10 problem sets, each worth 6 points (60% of grade)
  • 2 in-class quizzes, each worth 8 points (16%)
  • Final exam during finals period, worth 17%
  • Weekly tutorials (10 sessions) plus weekly labs/active learning (11 sessions). Mandatory attendance; 1/3 point per session (7%)
  • Quizzes, exam are open book, open notes
  • Late problem set rules-20% off for 1 working day late, 100% off for anything later.


Java® is a trademark or registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States and other countries.