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Works discussed in class:

Shaping Time


Brand, Stewart. The Clock of the Long Now: Time and Responsibility: Ideas Behind the World's Slowest Computer. New York, NY: Basic Books, 2000. ISBN: 0465007805.

Viola, Bill. "The Porcupine and the Car," and "I Do Not Know What It Is I Am Like." In Reasons for Knocking at an Empty House. Edited by Bill Viola and Robert Violette. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. ISBN: 0262720256.

Gaensheimer, Susanne. "Moments in Time." In Moments in Time: On Narration and Slowness. Edited by Helmut Friedel, Susanne Gaensheimer, and Ulrich Wilmes. Stuttgart: Cantz Editions, 2000. ISBN: 3893229833.

Videos By / About

Vito Acconci, Joan Jonas, Eija-Lisa Ahtila, Doug Aitken, Pippilotti Rist, Kristin Lucas, Joe Gibbons, Clementine Cummer.

Slide Lecture Includes Work By

Bruce Nauman, Dan Graham, Nam June Paik, Vito Acconci, Bill Viola, Joan Jonas, Muntadas, Kristin Lucas, Pippilotti Rist.

Body Extension


Horn, Rebecca, and Germano Celant. "The Bastille Interviews." In Rebecca Horn. New York, NY: Harry N Abrams, 1994. ISBN: 0810968703.

Linker, Kate. "On Language and Its Ruses: Poetry into Performance." In Vito Acconci. New York, NY: Rizzoli International, 1984. ISBN: 0847816451.

Pejic, Bojana. "Being-in-the-Body, On the Spiritual in Marina Abramovic's Art." In Marina Abramovic. Edited by Friedrich Meschede. Stuttgart: Cantz Editions, 1994. ISBN: 3893225374.

Slide Lecture Includes Work By

Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Jackson Pollock, Yves Klein, Carolee Scheeman, Valie Export, Hermann Nitsch, Atsuko Tanaka, Yayoi Kusama, Ana Mendieta, Adrian Piper, Ann Hamilton, Jana Sterbak, Janet Cardiff, Louise Bourgeois, Lucy Orta, Rebecca Horn, Mona Hatoum, Maureen Connor, Janine Antoni, Marina Abramovic, Cindy Sherman, Mariko Mori, Beverly Semmes, Franz Erhard Walther, Nam June Paik, Rosemarie Trockel.

Made Public


Acconci, Vito. "Public Space in a Private Time." Critical Inquiry 16, no. 4 (Summer 1990).

Finkelpearl, Tom. "The City as Site." In Dialogues in Public Art. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000. ISBN: 0262062097.

Antin, David. "Fine Furs." In Art and the Public Sphere. Edited by W. J. T. Mitchell. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press Journals, 1992. ISBN: 0226532119.

Young, James E. "The Counter Monument: Memory against Itself in Germany Today." In Art and the Public Sphere. Edited by W. J. T. Mitchell. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press Journals, 1992. ISBN: 0226532119.

Videos By / About

RtMark, Krszystof Wodiczco, Gordon Matta-Clark.

Slide Lecture Includes Work By

Henry Moore, Picasso, Calder, Richard Serra, Mary Miss, Siah Armajani, John Ahearn, Robert Smithson, Walter DeMaria, Christo, Dennis Adams, Muntadas, Barbara Kruger, Alfredo Jaar, Wodiczco, Jenny Holzer, Barbie Liberation Organization, Guerilla Girls, Josef Beuys, Jochen Gerz and Esther Shalev-Gerz, Vito Acconci, Maya Lin, Gordon Matta-Clark, Judith Baca, Kate Ericson and Mel Ziegler.